Join Us !

Bee Club Membership Benefits: This is an open-armed Bee Club. Any and all relevant beekeeping interests and experiences are welcome. The Bee Club consists of folks of varied experience levels and apiary sizes. There are beginners with one hive and commercial members with hundreds.

Bee Club membership grants you access to Bee Club meetings, inclusion in Bee Club communications, admission to workshops and field days activities, online member discussion forums, outdoor social functions, education sessions, participation in Club programs, and more .... While most of the information and resources on this website are openly available to the general public, there are some sections that are member only.

Best of all: Membership is FREE !

If you are aware of anyone who has bees in the area, please refer them to here and encourage them to join.

Member requirements: for BC Peace Region Bee Club are quite simple. To join the club ............

  1. You have an interest in honeybees and beekeeping. You are seeking to associate, converse, learn, share knowledge, and have extraordinary experiences with people of common interests.

  2. You reside in and actually have bees in the BC Peace Region. Or you are starting your beekeeping journey and have made arrangements to have bees this season. When you have taken the steps to go from interested in bees to actually having bees, please join us.

  3. The Bee Club is operated BY members FOR members. Meaning there is some participation and volunteerism. You will need to bring your smile, your enthusiasm, and participate in Bee Club discussions and activities. It is OK to be shy or reserved; most beekeepers do like their bees more than they like people, LoL. It is also OK for life to be busy. We cannot be everywhere nor get involved in everything. You just need to make an conscious effort to participate wherever you can.

  4. Membership is FREE. Bee Club operating costs are covered by pay-as-you-participate and volunteerism. Extra costs that may be incurred are addressed on an as needed basis. For example: the participants of club socials, workshops, seminars, and field days activities may be asked to contribute to the costs of putting on those events. Donations that may be made at Club meetings are used to cover Club needs such as; snacks-coffee, door prizes, guest speakers, materials for presentations, online access to media such as this exceptional website.

  5. Renew Membership each year by May 30. Life is ever changing and Beekeeping even more so. People take up and people leave beekeeping year to year. To keep the Bee Club efforts focused on active participants, the membership needs to be renewed each year. To stay active and current ensure to renew each year from January thru May. Old memberships will expire on May 30 and old membership information is deleted at June 15. Renewals after May 30 are accepted, but you will be missing out on any happenings between expiry and when you renew.

How to Join or renew BC Peace Region Bee Club: you can join anytime; 24/7-365. To join the BCPR Bee Club or to renew your membership all that you need to do is fill out the JOIN US form link below. In the request you must include accurate information. A Bee Club coordinator will get back to you via email to get you set up.

---> Join The Club or Renew - BC Peace Region Bee Club Membership Form

Access links to extra materials, important information, and updates are sent out to the membership through the email address you provide. To stay up to date on with Bee Club activities, ensure that your email program does not filter email from the Bee Club as spam or junk. If you have joined the Bee Club, but have not recieved a confirmation or are not seeing periodic communications from the Bee Club, that is a trigger for you to go look in your spam-junk email settings for important Bee Club updates that you may have missed!

Beekeeping in BC is a regulated activity. ALL beekeepers in British Columbia need to register with BC Apiculture, no matter whether they have 1 colony or 10,000 colonies. That is the law under the provincial BC Bee Regulation. Folks are strongly encouraged to register with the BC Ministry as soon as they possess bee colonies. To register is a very simple online form and doing so is FREE. There are no prerequisites. There is no test to pass. If you have bees please click this link to get that done! It will take you less than 5 minutes to do.

BC Apiculture Beekeeper Registration

The BC Honey Producers Association (BCHPA) membership is not a requirement to participate as a member of the BC Peace Region Bee Club. However, beekeepers who are well established with multiple colonies ( 10+) should also consider a BCHPA membership. The purpose and benefits of BCHPA are explained at the website linked below. Go there to see what the BCHPA has to offer and to decide if BCHPA membership is also right for you.

Note: Our local field days and workshops can only be hosted by Bee Cub Members who are also BCHPA members with the associated BCHPA liability insurance coverage.

BCHPA Membership Information Link