CONTACT US: Do you have any questions, general comments, suggestions, requests? To contact the BC Peace Bee Club fill out the form below. Someone will get back to you via email as soon.
GET INVOLVED: The functions of the Bee Club are run BY its members and volunteers FOR its members and the communities that we live in. You do not have to be a beekeeper or even a Bee Club member to help. Everyone one has some special skillsets to offer or maybe you just want to be a worker bee wherever whenever whatever. There are activities that ensure the Bee Club, its functions, and community events run smoothly. To get involved, check this out for some ideas of what those are and submit your information to join the team.
BEE A HOST: Beekeeping is challenging and is expensive. For most people the best way for them, and for the bees, is to simply provide for bee-friendly spaces. Are you interested in hosting beehives on your property? There may be local beekeepers interested in placing bees at your location. Use this form to introduce yourself and to provide some basic information. If any of the Bee Club members local to you are interested they will contact you directly person to person.