Current Discussions

The access to the BC Peace Region Bee Club member discussions board is here. This is the place for Bee Club members to ask each other questions, make announcements, search previous threads for valuable information, get tips and tricks, find resources, etc.

Here is the link to go to the discussions site.

BC Peace Region Bee Club Discussions

At the full Groups site, the discussions are organized by date and subjects are threaded. In addition to that, many of the messages also have been tagged with LABELS for the type of content they contain. By scanning down the menu bar on the left of the screen and opening the LABELS dropdown you can pick off discussions filtered into the meaningful topics. This feature is functional but far from perfect as attaching the Labels takes time so is definitely a work in progress.

This type of group message based discussion board is clunky. We are looking for a much more suitable and much more user friendly platform and have some good ideas of what that is. However, this is what we have at this time until we migrate to something else.

Use the CONTACT US form to reach Bee Club coordinators if you have any alternate platform suggestions or are having problems viewing. Worker Bees are Needed: If you can get engaged to help out with managing the discussion forums feature please use the CONTACT US -> GET INVOLVED form to get started.