Vacation Bible School
St. James the Greater Parish presents
Virtual Vacation Bible School Summer 2021
Summer with Jesus in the Eucharist
In honor of Year of the Eucharist, children are invited to discover upfront and close Jesus' Real Presence - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - in the consecrated bread and wine at Holy Mass this summer through child-appropriate interactive activities, games, prayers, quizzes, and videos on the FORMED online platform. Please join us in uncovering the hidden power in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
For: all children ages 6 - 10
When: Monday, June 21 - Wednesday, June 23, from 10 - 11 AM
Where: on Zoom
Fee: $10 materials fee/child (each child will receive a small kit)
Registration deadline: Monday, June 14
For registration form or more details, please consult parish website or contact Susan Ho.

2021 年虛擬暑期聖經學校
為了紀念聖體年,我們邀請孩子們通過 FORMED 在線平台舉辦適合兒童的互動活動,遊戲和祈禱,嘗試領唔及感受耶穌在彌撒中奉獻的麵包和酒中耶穌的真正的存在 — 身體、血液、靈魂和神性。請加入我們,探索聖體聖事的隱藏力量。
適合:所有 6 至 10 歲的兒童
時間:6 月 21 日星期一至 6 月 23 日星期三,上午 10 時至 11 時
費用:每位兒童 10 美元的材料費(每位兒童將收到一個小工具包)
報名截止日期:6 月 14 日星期一