Tests - Exams

If you need help or advice to set up your exam in blackboard, please access our  office hours! 

or contact  learning.innovation@ie.edu


 Please share these instructions with the students:


Exam Rules for Students Sep 2024.pdf

Slide version of our Digital Exam Rules to show your students on the screen or distribute before the exam starts. 

EXAM RULES FOR STUDENTS (SLIDE VERSION). LINK TO SHARE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xUZGccZXQyzBphIaYxxaMHcUOHBeByTj/view?usp=drive_link

Exam Rules - Presentation slide Sep 2024.pptx.pdf


There are 2 proctoring tools integrated in blackboard: (You have to choose one as you cannot use both in the same exam.)

Respundus: It locks the browser, students can only access the exam on Blackboard.

Smowl CM: It doesn't lock the browser but records in a report  (screenshots) which applications or websites the student opens during the exam. RECOMMENDED

Please contact  learning.innovation@ie.edu in case you need training or advice in order to use a proctoring tool. 


QUESTION BANKS: create a question bank with similar versions of a question, or  questions with the same difficulty.  Use AI to create question banks    

QUESTION POOL: displays a different  version of a question to each student that are drawn from the previously created question bank.  

RANDOMIZE QUESTIONS : The exam questions appear in a different random order for each student.

RANDOMIZE ANSWERS: The options within the question appear in a different random order for each student.



ACCESS CODE: A password that is only shared within the class at the time of the exam, to prevent someone else from remotely connecting to the exam that the student is taking in the classroom.

ATTEMPTS: 1 attempt.

RELEASE CONDITIONS: date - time Limit to class time. All classmates take the exam at the same time.

TIME LIMIT: Set a tight time limit to answer the questions.

Step 1. Create a test

(You can also  create a test inside a  folder or learning module).

4. Once you open the  new test page, first  change the name of the test on the top left corner. 

Step 2. Add questions to a test

Multiple choice   & Multiple answer questions 

Type the question and answers on each box. by default you have 4 answers boxes. but you can add or delete answers if necessary. 

If you want more than 4 answer boxes, select Add Choice.

If you need less than 4,  you can delete any using the trash icon.

You should at least  select one answer as the correct one 

In case you select more than one correct answers, the question will become a  Multiple Answer  question  with the following Scoring options: 

Subtract points for incorrect answers.

For multiple choice questions, enable the options: 


Use percentages to add partial and negative credit values to each option. 

Essay questions VS add text 

 you will need to grade these questions manually. 

(you can not use rubrics) 

ADD TEXT. (is not considered a type of question)  In case you require your students to submit an attached file with their answers, you can use this option instead of essay question .... 

Benefits of using ADD TEXT instead of essay questions for attached files answers: 

Drawbacks of using ADD TEXT instead of essay questions for attached files answers: as add text is not considered a type of question, in case in the exam you combine this option with for example multiple choice questions, you will be no possible to randomize questions. So in case you need randomize questions  you should use essay instead of add text 

Fill in the blank, Matching, True or false, Calculated formula questions

to insert altgr 

Question pool



With a question pool each student receives a different version of the question to prevent cheating. 

A question pool "draw" questions previously created on a QUESTION BANK in the same course 

So, before using a question pool you need to create a question bank to use it as a source for the question pool. 

You can create as many question banks as question pools you are going to use for the exam.

All questions in a question bank should be similar and  with similar level of difficulty.

NOTE: when you copy an exam with question pools to anther course, you also  need to copy the question bank .

Auto generate question banks using AI

Under Course content area: 

click on  the plus icon  / Create 

and then Create Item / Document

Copy paste the text from which you want to create the questions. 

Press: Generate question banks

more info 

Step 3: Test settings

Display  the recommended test settings:

Find in red the relevant settings for EXAMS 

Find in grey some of the settings are more relevant for assignments 


Details & Information

Due date is more relevant for an assignments than for an exams 

The due date is the date that appear on the calendar to students so if you delete it it won´t appear on the calendar.

 Late submissions appear with a Late label in the course gradebook.  (gradebook- change automatic zeros)


Presentation Options


Grading & Submissions


Assessment grade !!! 

Post assessment grades automatically   To prevent students from viewing grades, the instructor may un-select this option.  https://youtu.be/1hNfSn1nUfk

Assessment results  

Assessment security

Additional Tools

Goals & standards 

Assigned groups 

Originality Report Enable SafeAssign     only for text assignments     SafeAssign supports attempts in English only. 

DESCRIPTION   Add here the exam description, e.g number of questions, time limit, grading or any info you want share with the students before the exam starts.  The description appears on the course content page under the exam title. 

 Select the Settings icon to open the panel with all the settings 

Step 4: Proctoring tools


There are 2 proctoring tools integrated in blackboard :

Respundus: It locks the browser, students can only access the exam on Blackboard.

Smowl CM: It doesn't lock the browser but records in a report which applications or websites the student opens during the exam.

Please contact  learning.innovation@ie.edu in case you need training or advice in order to use a proctoring tool. 

Step 5:  Extra time accommodations

Extra time accommodation 

in case you need to provide extra time accommodation to one student, you need to access the  ROSTER  page  in the course menu (not inside the exam page)

find the name of the student and press  the three dots on the right end.


Time limit accommodation 

Set the extra time percentage: e.g. 25%

Step 6:  Make the test visible to students 

Release conditions DATE/TIME Is the time frame in which the link to access the exam will be available for students.   (Note that this is different from time limit.)

 from the top right corner change the  Release conditions 


Provide access only to specific students 

Step 7: Grading 

Clear attempts

In case you allow several attempts, you can choose witch one to grade

Learning innovation -Faculty training: 

For ad hoc faculty training , please connect to our office hours.

Faculty guide for liquid learning

Blackboard ULTRA faculty site

Upcoming webinars  for faculty
