If you need help or advice, please access our  office hours!  or contact

This is a guide for the "IE Forums" tool , developed by IE for blended programs. 

The main difference with BbUltra Discussions is that in this tool you can limit the number of messages in a forum and  limit the number of characters in  the messages. Also you can prevent students from  deleting or editing their own messages. 

As Ultra discussions are still available in the course,  please be sure to use the correct  tool (BBUltra discussions or IE Forums)  according to the program instructions.

*As IE FORUMS is an  external LTI tool,  it is not possible to copy forums from one course to another.

New ! AI Summary Tool for IE Forums 

For specific questions, you can always drop in on our office hours

Step 1: Install the LTI  IE FORUM tool  

First, check If the IE forums tool is already avalible under the course content. In that case, go directly to Step 2.

3 .Select IE Forums  

IMPORTANT: press the PLUS ICON as shown with the red  arow.

4. By default, the tool is hidden from students.   Edit to make it visible to students.

Step 2:  Create Forums

For blended programs, the recommendation is to create one forum per online session. 

If the forums are already created by the program assitant, go directly to Step 3.


Title: up to 100 characters

Description: up to 3000 characters


Grade Discussion: (useful to check participation - nº of post per student)

Allow Subscriptions

Allow the author to delete their posts

Allow the author to edit their posts

Allow participants to create threads

Allow file attachments

Allow replying with quotes


Maximun of messages per user e.g. 5 

Maximun of  characters per post  e.g. 1000 

Step 3:  Create Threads 

Create a new thread for each question or topic you want to discuss in the forum

write the descripition (3000 caracters) here you can add links but you can not upload files. 

Thread options - Release conditions- Block Thread

Step 4Manage discussions


Once  the theads are created both, students and professor,  can start adding replies.   There are 9 levels of reply. 

To insert images in a forum message, please use the ADD IMAGE* icon from the text editing menu. This adjusts image resolution and file size to appropriate levels and helps to avoid technical problems. 

DON´T USE COPY & PASTE TO ADD IMAGES, as it might cause performance issues! 

*The ADD IMAGE icon will be available shortly after Easter Break.

 Unread messages

The number of unread messages will appear in red 

If you click on the number of unread messages you will directly access (only) those new messages. 

If you clik on the thread title you will have access to all the messages inside the thread, including both read and unread messages. 

Unread messages have a blue backgroud, 

Graded forums - Check Participation

If the forum is graded 

( in case the forum is not graded, you can change it to GRADED from the forum options )

From the grading pannel, on the top left corner of each student, you will find the Nº OF POST he/she posted on this forum. And if you click the icon you will access those specific messages. 

Students view - messages limit in a forum - character limit in a message

MODERATION: Tips for effective forum moderation

Learning innovation- Faculty office - Faculty training: 

For ad hoc faculty training , please connect to our office hours.

Faculty guide for liquid learning

Blackboard ULTRA faculty site

Upcoming webinars  for faculty



For specific questions, you can always drop in on our office hours

With the new AI summary tool you will be able to manage the forum more efficiently. 

Thread summary:

Use AI to generate a summary for each thread.  


Key phrases: main topics discussed on the forum  


E.g: Which aspects have the students neglected in the discussion? 

E.g. Prepare a draft massage to shift the discussion to those topics

E.g Give me ideas to follow up this discussion.

Click on the tree dots on the right side of the thread

Press Summary