Turnitin is a plagiarism detection tool that checks student submissions for similarities by comparing them to an extensive database of academic work, publications, and online content.

Turnitin generates a Similarity Report that also includes AI writing detection

1. Where can I find Turnitin within Blackboard? 

Under the Course Content area:

Select the plus sign 


Scroll down and select TURNITIN

2. Fill in the different fields to create the Turnitin assignment

If you need help, click the question mark next to each field to get more information 

3.  Grade and check Similarity Report 

Once the students have submitted their work, you can access Turnitin to view  the  student's work and the reports. 

From the dashboard, click on the document you want to analyze.

You can grade the work, write feedback, check similarit Report , and AI writn detection

GUIDE Navigating the student Similarity Report 

GUIDE: AI writing detection 

AI writing detection: identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool such as large-language models, chatbots, and word spinners.  

Group assignments cannot be created in Turnitin. From the panel, you can select 'Group Set' in Blackboard and choose a group previously created in Blackboard. The members of that group will be listed. This can be useful for grading.