Course Content

In the COURSE CONTENT area you will be able to add the syllabus, and all the aditional documentation for each session, pdfs, powerpoints, links, videos, and also the  assignments, test and  discussions  to engage your students. 

EE-Syllabus is an ad hoc platform located within Blackboard, through which the syllabus is done. The syllabus is the document that details the curriculum for a specific course, since it defines the learning objectives that have to be fulfilled and their organization in time.

This platform will help to control the syllabus workflow, from the moment the professors complete the requested information, the internal approvals and revisions that have to be passed, to the publishing of the document for the student. 

In case you don´t find the access to the syllabus;

A. Press the PLUS icon under Course Content


 C. Find the syllabus tool and press the plus icon

Once you access your course by default you should find the access to the syllabus  under the Course Content area.


In order to keep the course content organized we recomed you to create a LEARNING MODULE for each session. 

Inside the 

More about Learning Modules 


Select the plus sign wherever you want to add content.

To upload documents

Under course content 

Select the plus sign wherever you want to add  the content.

you have 2 OPTIONS to upload a document : 


you can upload a document from your computer 

OPTION 2: + Create

 opens the create item menu on the right.

Document  You can create a page called a document and add text, audio, video, files, and images.

Create Item

Course Content Items

Learning module  Like a folder but you can force a content sequence. Students can navigate through the module with the arrows  and they can track their completion of the module. More about  learning module 

Folder   You can create two levels of folders to organize your content. 

Document  You can create a page called a document and add text, audio, video, files, and images.

Link  You can link to an outside website or resource. 


Test You can create tests to assess student knowledge. You can add question types, such as Essay, Fill in the Blank, Fill in Multiple Blanks, Matching, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, and True/False. 

Assignment You can create graded coursework, and manage the grades and feedback for each student or group of students. 

Participation and engagement 

Discussion  You can provide a link to a discussion near related content. For example, you can add a file for students to read. Then, if you want them to respond in discussions, add a link for easy discussion participation. 

Journal You can provide a link to a journal near related content.  

On the Course Content page, select the plus sign wherever you want to add a test. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel and select Test. The New Test page opens. You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add a test.

When you create a test, a gradebook item is created automatically. A test's score consists of the sum total of all the questions' points.

After you post test grades, students can view their scores on their grades pages or in the activity stream. They can also access a test, associated rubrics, their submissions, your feedback, and their grades from the test link on the Course Content page. 

Create an assignment 

From the Assessments menu, select Assignment. provide the name, instructions, and the files students need. You can use the functions in the editor to format text and add files. You can also add files in the Assignment Files section.  


On the Course Content page, 

Create a Discussion

Discussion Analysis

Content Market 

3. Choose the content you want to add:


Resources for teaching and learning