Student Portal

An area for us to display our students work and achievements inside and outside of school.

Art For NHS

One of students creating a lovely picture for the NHS. The rainbow theme is lovely to see all around.

Any students, please send us your work to celebrate! 

Pizza Party 2! Superheroes! 

Some of our students are still socialising remotely over the lockdown. This weeks pizza party theme was superheroes. They were all very creative at making masks and posters. 

Let us know if your children want to have work or ideas featured on the website and Twitter.

Student 'Work at Home' Pizza Party

Here are a few pictures taken of some of our students preparing for and during their Whatsapp Pizza party. They all worked very hard in preparing posters/crafts, writing and helping with food prep. . It is really nice that they can engage in this way and have the support from their parents.

The boys also have drama sessions on the Zoom app on Wednesday's at 5pm for around 40minutes, where different tasks are set and we share together. Last week was to make a puppet, this Wednesday is to share a talent. This is so good for both the young people and parents as it promotes positive engagement and helps boost positive mental health and keep developing social communication skills.