Lunch Menus

Baskerville School is accredited with the Healthy Schools Award. Students are encouraged to eat healthy foods and consequently we positively discourage students from bringing certain food items into school, for example crisps and sweets. Fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not allowed in school.

A variety of dishes from different cultures are included in the school lunch menu so students are encouraged to broaden their experience with different kinds of food.

Parents/carers are reminded to make sure that if they do send in food for their child to consume at break or lunch time, it is a healthy option such as fruit, a cereal bar or similar and should comply with nutritional standards and the school's policy as outlined above.

Detailed information about each student's diet needs and allergies or intolerance are obtained from parents/carers before a student join the school and parents/carers are regularly reminded to keep the school up to date on any changes in dietary needs.

School Menu - 3rd - 7th June 2024