Our School

Baskerville is a day and residential school for 180 secondary-age students between 11 and 19 with autism and additional disability. We admit about 12 students each year into the main school. Admission into the resource base for students with autism and severe developmental delay varies from year to year depending on the number of places available. 

We offer a specialist service for children on the autistic spectrum with additional learning and communication difficulties, who require an individualised, highly structured and integrated educational and therapeutic provision delivered within a Total Communication approach. Our pupils require a bespoke package, typically in a small class group with at least 1:3 support.

Teachers, therapists and support staff work in a fully integrated way, ensuring that a child centred holistic approach is core to practice. We recognise that all children with ASD experience three main areas of difficulty known as ‘The Triad of Impairments’. Our curriculum and the way we plan, teach and communicate with our pupils has the triad at its centre. 

Our lively, engaging and innovative curriculum is thematic. It is reviewed every three years, which enables us to adapt to pupil cohorts and take into account pupil interests. Each pupil will be encouraged to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, confidence and self-esteem to overcome their barriers and meet the challenges of adult life. Within each termly topic theme, we aim to cover all areas of the National Curriculum, at a level appropriate to each pupil. 

The 14-19 curriculum is planned around the Preparation for Adulthood key areas; Good Health and Wellbeing, Independent Living Skills and Relationships and Community. Students are offered a range of external accreditation including Entry Level, Unit Awards, City & Guilds, Duke of Edinburgh, ASDAN Life Skills Challenge and ASDAN Towards Independence courses.

The students at our resource base at Bournville College are grouped into two groups and taught by Baskerville School staff. Some join mainstream classes while others follow a life skills curriculum. Most students remain at school until the age of 19.

We provide a low arousal, flexible teaching environment, with pupils following individual programmes, which are based on our detailed knowledge of each child and thoroughly embedded with the principles of Positive Behaviour Support. Pupils may also have access to social communication groups, rebound therapy, sensory circuits, yoga, outdoor and adventurous activities in the local community, work placements, theatre trips and many more activities tailored to support individual learning needs. An emphasis on functional and independence skills, communication and our integrated approach to planning, delivery and assessment is at the heart of our curriculum.

Our School Grounds

We have a very large site that offers our students an exceptional environment in which to learn. We have a Forest School area, a horticulture area, an ancient orchard, a nature trail, a large playing field, a wild meadow, an outdoor cycle track, three play areas with climbing equipment and an outdoor gym.





Peace Garden

Play Area

Multipurpose Court


Teaching and Learning

The teaching and learning environment is designed to aid the learning of students with autism spectrum condition.

We focus on developing students' skills in literacy, numeracy, communication and life skills. Our fundamental aim is to ensure that students are given the skills to communicate and learn effectively throughout their lives to prepare them for life beyond school. All students follow a broad and balanced secondary curriculum that is adapted to their individual needs.

Underpinning the curriculum is consistent teaching of social skills and understanding and guidance to help students develop their personal and social skills so they become confident young people able to take their place in the world.

When students enter the school they will be placed in a Key Stage 3 class. Students are grouped according to their age, language and learning skills. There are up to seven students in each class, with one tutor and two teaching assistants. Students are taught by specialist subject teachers but the two teaching assistants remain with the class throughout the day. Students progress to Key Stage 4 when they are 14+ where they follow accredited courses.

On reaching 16, students progress either to the Post 16 classes on the school site or the resource base we have at Bournville College.

In Post 16 the focus is on preparation for life beyond school. The courses contain an emphasis on independence and life skills as well as offering vocational training such as horticulture, hospitality, sports leadership and art-based subjects. Students are able to develop their work skills and gain an understanding of the world of work.

The students at our resource base at Bournville College are grouped into two groups and taught by Baskerville School staff. Some join mainstream classes while others follow a life skills curriculum. Most students remain at school until the age of 19.

The school has a resource base for students with severe developmental delay. Students follow a developmental curriculum that is designed to meet their individual needs.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Students have the opportunity to take part in a range of leisure activities, games, sports and hobbies in school. At the age of 15 upwards, they have work experience and can access courses provided by outside organisations with the support of Baskerville staff, in areas such as engineering, sports education, construction and art-based subjects. All students who are assessed to be suitable are encouraged to undergo formal travel training to enhance their independence and their chances of access to community leisure facilities.


Baskerville School is an inclusive school that promotes equality of opportunities for students and staff. There is an Inclusion Manager who works with parents and students to identify and track students' wider needs. She facilitates the collection of parents' and students' views about their aspirations, needs and satisfaction with what the school provides.

Some Parents' Comments

The following are some of the comments made by parents in our 2018 Parents Questionnaire: