
Baskerville School is a foundation special school in Harborne, Birmingham. We offer provision for students with autism, aged between 11 and 19.

All of our students have an Education, Health, and Care Plan. Birmingham Local Authority manages the admission of students to the school. Students have been assessed by Birmingham Local Authority as needing a special school placement.

The school currently has 183 places, including 16 residential places.

The majority of students have multiple conditions, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attachment disorder, severe anxiety, mental health difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, epilepsy and other moderate health difficulties. As a result of the complexity of their learning needs, some students have difficulty managing their behaviour. When entering the school in Year 7 most students will be working at levels equivalent to mainstream students from Key Stage 1 onwards. A small proportion of students will be working close to national expectations in some or most subjects.

The population of Baskerville School reflects the social, ethnic and religious diversity of Birmingham and neighbouring authorities.

Parents are welcome to visit the school prior to contacting the Local Authority's Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Service (SENAR) to request for a placement. Referrals for a placement is made by SENAR or neighbouring Local Authorities. A decision as to whether the school can meet the student's needs is based on an evaluation of the information received by the school from SENAR. Placements are made based on:

The school is not able to offer a place to students unless they have been referred through SENAR. As soon as SENAR has agreed on the placement after Baskerville School has confirmed that it is able to meet the student's needs, parents/carers are invited to attend an informal meeting with the Assistant Head Teacher Pastoral. Students who join on secondary transfer will prior to the transfer be visited in the primary school by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and will be invited into school with their parents/carers and again on a visit to the school accompanied by a member of staff from their primary school.

Admissions to Baskerville School may take place throughout the academic year if there is a suitable vacancy and the school is able to meet the student's needs. These transfers are supported by a bespoke transition plan.