Pupil Premium


As part of the Government's policy to improve the educational attainment of under-performing groups, additional funding has been allocated to schools through the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).

The purpose of the PPG is to support students from disadvantaged families, i.e. those who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) (or have been at any time in the last six years), looked after children (LAC) and those from families with parents in the armed forces.

In particular, the main aim of the Pupil Premium is to raise the achievement of these students and to close the attainment gap between these students and those not entitled to this support.

For more information on our Pupil Premium grant allocation, spending and outcomes, please see the following documents: 

Catch-Up Premium

The Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 students who did not achieve expected levels in reading and/or Maths at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2).

Schools receive an additional amount for each student who meets the criteria and are accountable for the effectiveness of how that money is spent on improving both the literacy and numeracy skills of their students in Year 7.

For more information on our Catch-Up Premium funding allocation, spending and outcomes, please see the following documents: