
This is the countdown until Anne Frank's 90th birthday! Let's make this Project complete!

Our last day is June 6, so we bumped our goal to June 5. We can do this together!!

Final 1.5 millionth bandage at 2:52 pm on 6/4/19

One week BEFORE Anne's 90th!! Anne, this is to you!!

Count down:

  • September 12, 2018 Total: 1,025,000
  • October 12, 2018 Total: 1,094,000
  • November 12, 2018 Total: 1,105,250
  • December 12, 2018 Total: 1,126, 230
  • January 12, 2019 Total: 1,132,000
  • February 12, 2019 Total: 1,175,000
  • March 12, 2019 Total: 1,217,000
  • April 12, 2019 Total: 1,271,000
  • May 12, 2019 Total: 1,300,000
  • June 4, 2019 Total: 1,500,137
  • June 12, 2019 Total: 1,511,137
  • As long as we receive bandages, we will continue to add to the 1.5 million bandages. Babies and other children who were killed are not always counted in this number, so we have to continue our project. My guess is that our final will be 1,722,000

Our bandage container where all bandages from the start have gone after being written on and before being counted. Our goal chart is now finished and will be on the side of the Bandage container. Each magnet represented 10,000 bandages.They will continue to be added as long as we receive bandages. Our last buckets of bandages which were all put into the Bandage container.

1,100,000 only 40 more stickers to completion. We are getting there! Please help us!!

Anne, we did it!! I know you were there with us pushing us toward our goal!!!

May 21, 2018 finally reached our millionth bandage! Reva Gabe was our millionth child honored. Now, on to the 1.5 millionth! Thanks to Teddy Glozman for his work helping us reach our million marker point!!

Last day of school 2017/18 our final total: 1,048,360 2018/19 451,640 needed.....together, we can do it!! 2/2019: 300,000 needed!