Video - Travel

Why Backroads Brent prefers the backroads.

Check out this video to learn why our friend Backroads Brent prefers to drive on the back roads. Nuff said!

The Campfire That Just Won’t Burn!

Backroads Brent stopped in Lillooet in September 2020 at the Texas Creek campsite. Be darned if this campfire would stay burning. Blast it with some oxygen, burst into flames, then...10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the fire stops burning! Backroads scratches his head and wondered why. This must be shared!

Backroads Brent Solitude Camping

Backroads Brent enjoys a night of solitude camping in a big open field in Merrit BC Canada. Quiet. Peaceful. Lots of bugs!

Backroads Brent visits Brown Lake

In the first week of Backroads Brent's Okanagan/Shuswap adventure, September 2020, he visits his friend's cabin on Brown Lake, British Columbia. This beautiful quiet lake is located approximately 45 km southeast of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.

Video features beautiful scenery and highlights of the extremely bumpy gravel road one travels to get to the lake.