
BRB Bidneez Card

I was 29 years old in 1988, that's when I moved into the house I am still living in now. Now I'm 61 and starting to get stir crazy! Time to hit the open road. Follow The Adventures of Back Road Brent as I travel across the country and visit out of the way places, all on the back roads of course. I will be gathering stories and antidotes for my fifth book entitled, Canadians Eh! Plenty of solitary canoe trips along the way. And gobs of videos! Follow me from Nanaimo to Newfoundland!

Message from the Boss. April 9th, 2020.

Due to the Coronavirus the Backroads Brent cross country van tour has been delayed. For how long, who knows? Until things get back to normal. In the meantime Brent will continue to write and record original music. And do other stuff.

UPDATE June 15 2020. The cross country trip has been cancelled for the summer of 2020 due to the Covid 19 situation. In the meantime Brent has acquired a van and canoe, and will be puttering around Vancouver Island this year.

Things change, plans change. I've changed! The biggest change is I'm out of the stick and brick and into the Ford Tioga Ranger.

I have been camping on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland all summer, 2021. I sold Ol' Blue, my faithful Chev Uplander camped in her for 2 years with no living room inside. Now i have a house on wheels and it shore does like gas!

The plan to drive to Newfoundland is being put on the back burner for a while do to Covid's rules of travel. Next summers destination is up north. I'm going to cross bucket list item #3 off the list when i get to witness 24 hour sunlight!

Much more news to comes so stayed tuned family, friends and fans!
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