Criminal background check australia

Criminal background check australia

A web background check of people is a great technique for bypassing risks. From using the services of scammers that will steal or swindle - to searching for sexual predators.- Examining the background of just about anyone can easily prevent steep setbacks. Don't merely suppose folks are being truthful. Examine their background. Take a look at their past and then make your conclusion. Additionally check your personal historical past to see what people are discovering out about yourself.

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The Australian Federal Police (AFP) provides National Police Checks - external site (criminal history checks) for:

Residents of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Jervis Bay Territory and other external Commonwealth territories

people seeking employment with the Australian Government

people requiring a check under Commonwealth legislation, e.g. Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Australian immigration purposes

where the applicant resides overseas

overseas employment

adoption, including overseas adoption

visa applications for overseas travel

Individuals who need an Australian police background check whilst residing overseas must make the request themselves to the relevant Australian police authority. Some Australian states do not provide checks for people residing overseas but direct the applicant to the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The AFP can issue a National Police Clearance Certificate for criminal records that cover all Australian states and territories. The AFP has advised that this certificate is acceptable in all countries but you should confirm that the local authority requesting your background check would accept the AFP-issued certificate.

This check is most often sought for court-related purposes. It provides you with convictions for criminal offences arising from prosecution action initiated by officers of the Queensland Police Service. It does not provide you with convictions incurred in other Australian States or Territories—you need to apply for a national criminal history check for that. A national criminal history check is generally required if you need a police check for employment. Only you can request your Queensland criminal history check and the results can be given only to you or your legal representative with your consent.

Criminal record information is classed as 'sensitive information' in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). Sensitive information is a subset of personal information that is given additional protections. Criminal records may also be covered by the Commonwealth Spent Convictions Scheme under the Crimes Act 1914, and/or by a spent conviction scheme in a relevant state or territory. The Australian Information Commissioner has the power to investigate breaches of the legislation and is also required to provide advice to the Attorney-General in relation to exemptions under the scheme.

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