It is mandatory to register to avail of the lab facility in its full form. A link to the application form is given below. To complete the application process, the applicant must send an email notification to Currently, registration is open only to faculty members, research scholars, and research associates of the Mathematics department. Math Major BS-MS or Math MSc students may also apply. Once an application of a user for registration is considered favorably, the user may access the guest account at all AIOs, provided s/he has gained physical access by registering fingerprints. Further recommendation from the supervisor is needed to apply for an account ID and password with which the user can access any terminal of the 5 workstations.

Updated on 8th January 2025

Note that all the users must maintain academic and cyber ethics, and follow the rules set by the Institute's and department's IT committee. Any violation of the rules might attract heavy penalties.

Note that some rules might be added or modified. (Updated on: 8th Jan 2025)

Report an issue

Please write an email to <> by mentioning the following details.

Concerned people

IT Committee

Lab Activity Committee

Students IT Committee