5-Days Workshop on LaTeX

List of selected candidates ⇨


Introduction: The department of mathematics is hosting a "5-days workshop on LaTeX". Dr. Rohit Holkar has kindly agreed to be the coordinator as well as one of the speakers of this event. The event would take place in the newly built Bhakara Lab. Mainly the undergrad or grad teachers in mathematics and other related science subjects would be benefited. Some others who are interested in learning LaTeX for Indian languages would also be benefited. We wish to encourage external participations.

The details are listed below.

  1. Title: 5-days workshop on LaTeX
  2. Duration: Tuesday, 10th October 2017 – Saturday, 14th October 2017
  3. Coordinator: Dr. Rohit D. Holkar
  4. Organizing Committee: Dr. Rohit D. Holkar, IISER Pune and Dr. Anindya Goswami, IISER Pune
  5. Venue: Bhaskara Lab, Main Building, IISER, Pune-411008
  6. Supported by: Centre of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education (COESME) under MHRD
  7. Technical Details:
    1. Topics to be covered: This workshop intends to have few short courses on preparing documents using LaTeX. The main focus is on the following three topics: (i) LaTeX as a text editor for all purposes, and Indian Languages, (ii) LaTeX for Mathematics, (iii) advanced and programming related usage of LaTeX. We shall discuss how to write texts, including article, lecture notes, project reports, theses, Question papers using LaTeX. All the Standard LaTeX document classes and some essential packages would be explained. Various different interfaces, freeware and use of online compilers would be discussed. Depending on the number of interested participants, packages for drawing chemical molecules will be discussed.
    2. Program schedule: This would be a 5-days workshop. On each day there are two sessions: two 1.5-hour lectures in the morning followed by two tutorials, each of length 1-1.5 hours, during the afternoon.
    3. Relevance: LaTeX is a document preparation system which is widely used in academics. Though it was invented for writing mathematics “beautifully” during 1985, nowadays, LaTeX is used not only to write documents in mathematics but also physics, computer science, engineering, economics, psychology, social and political sciences. LaTeX is being widely used to create and publish books and large documents. Over a period, LaTeX has evolved, and now it can draw complicated molecules in organic chemistry, list bibliography in various ways at the stroke of a feather, handle complicated languages and scripts such as Sanskrit, Tamil and Chinese, write and edit dramas and poems. In contrast to Microsoft Word and Pages, LaTeX can handle large documents very easily. The importance of knowledge of LaTeX to an academician in Mathematics and related area needs no elaboration. The topics are chosen to bestow working knowledge from scratch. No prior knowledge in handling LaTeX is assumed. The participants are just expected to have adequate experience of working with Desktops. All mathematics research students and mathematics teachers unavoidably require some sort of working knowledge in LaTeX.
  8. Speakers:
  • Dr. Rohit D. Holkar, IISER Pune,
  • Dr. V. V. Acharya, Fergusson College, Pune,
  • Siddharth Bhalerao, S.P. College, Pune,
  • Mr. Sushant Deolekar,
  • Mr. Girish Kulkarni, SRF, IISER Pune,

9. Tutors

  • Mr. Makarand Sarnobat, SRF, IISER Pune.


A flyer and the schedule are enclosed here ⇨


The resource material can be found from here