final projects

This page features the final audio projects created by the undergraduate students of Comp Lit 241 in Winter 2022. Students worked on these projects over several months, beginning with a concept of their own design. A great amount of work went into each finished piece, and students were tasked with playing multiple roles at once: production planning and scripting, gathering tape, holding interviews, recording narration, editing, mixing, music and sound design, to name a few. They worked through multiple audio drafts, incorporating feedback from each other along the way, to produce a fully realized podcast episode 8-20 minutes in length.

Click through the slideshow below to hear a 5-minute excerpt of each student-produced audio piece, or keep scrolling to hear full-length episodes of a selection of student pieces.


Continue listening below to hear full-length clips of selected student-produced final projects.


Call Your Mother Podcast

by Rikki Goldman