guides, advice, & how-tos

The abundance of radio and podcast production guidance available for free on the internet just keeps growing. Below is a selection of links that I have found helpful in my own learning process, and that I share with students to support what we are exploring in and outside of class.



recording & interviewing (& gear)

narration & writing for the ear

editing & mixing

sound design & music

Public Domain and Fair Use audio

If you plan to publish your audio piece, you should only use music that is in the public domain or published under a Creative Commons license.

for teachers

While all the above resources on this page are intended both for students and for educators building podcasting into their syllabi, here are a few resources that I've found particularly useful for higher-level course planning:


Please feel free to reach out to me directly via my website linked below—I am always interested in connecting and collaborating with others who are using sound work in their teaching.