podcast discovery tools

Comp Lit 241 & 122 were aimed at students who were already avid podcast listeners before the course began, but in the rapidly growing audio world there is always more to discover. One of my goals was to expose students to a wide variety of formats and styles, so we could begin to compare and reflect on what makes great pods great, or funny, interesting, smart, intimate, etc. What do different podcasts have in common, what sets them apart? What are different ways of categorizing podcasts? What is missing in today’s pod-scape?

podcast listening guide —scroll below for links organized by category, or click through to the original Google doc

Podcast Listening Guide

podcast discovery

In today’s media landscape, discovery is driven by AI recommendation tools that often have a homogenizing effect on the audio we hear. How can listeners find something new that challenges their expectations? Try these links to expand your horizons.

audio zines and more