Dr. Alejandro Tolcachier

Welcome! I'm an Argentinian mathematician. I finished my undergraduate studies in December 2018 and my PhD in December 2023.  

I got my PhD at FAMAF (Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física), under the supervision of Dr. Adrián Andrada.

Here is my Undergraduate thesis (in Spanish), called "Grupos de Bieberbach y holonomía de solvariedades planas". 

Here is my PhD thesis (in Spanish), called "Propiedades geométricas de solvariedades y productos de variedades sasakianas".

My interests lie at the intersection of the study of differential geometry and Lie theory. More precisely, I am interested in investigating geometric structures on Lie groups and their compact quotients, with a particular focus on solvmanifolds. During my PhD thesis, I studied four distinct topics:

Here is my CV.

I'm part of the Differential Geometry Group. I'm currently co-organizing the Differential Geometry Seminar at FAMAF, with Jorge Lauret and in 2023 with Marcos Origlia

Preprints and Publications

Seminars and Invited Talks





Attendance to Conferences and Workshops
