VII School and Workshop on Lie Theory

From September 08th to September 15th , 2021

Welcome to the homepage of the

VII School and Workshop on Lie Theory

to be held by Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) from

September 08th to September 15th , 2021, Brazil.

This year the event will be totally online.

It will be the seventh of a series of biannual congresses around geometry, topology, dynamics, control theory and their interactions with Lie theory and its applications. We gather young and experienced researchers from Latin American and abroad.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Adrián Andrada (Cordoba, Argentina)

  • David Anderson (Columbus, USA)

  • Elizabeth Gasparim (Antofagasta, Chile)

  • Henrique Bursztyn (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

  • Jorge Lauret (Cordoba, Argentina)

  • Karl-Hermann Neeb (Erlangen, Germany)

  • Lucas Calixto (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

  • Luiz A. B. San Martin (Campinas, Brazil)

  • Philippe Jouan (Rouen, France)

  • Rachida El Assoudi (Rouen, France)

  • Victor Ayala (Arica, Chile)

  • Viviana del Barco (Campinas, Brazil)


