
The Creation of the Fifth Dimension

The Flat Map of The Universe. mapped by Roger Grant

the fifth Pillar of Heaven can tumble from the center four stairwell that rises upright and unsuspended 

The Mid Guard of Heaven

The Time Zone on Earth in Heaven and at the mid plane of Hollow Hearth.

The Gate of Othello

the twist is an equal measurement of the upper and lower firmament of the two crossings of this universe.

The Flight of the Kite (Upright Pyramids) from Sadr - Cassiopeia - Arc or the Mother Well where you can see from the bottom of the Pyramid

This is the Predate of our Beginning before the the flood of This beginning (Adam and Eve)

The is the Plow or the Kites that string from on end to the other pointing around the cup into the Motherwell where the Pyramid will be shown from underneath.

Aa it is below so shall it be above

Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies

The Anti Verse and the 200 years of twin cosmic absorption

the three galaxies within oud three Heavens that came together