The wind TERRACE 11-15

when i was new; you were there for me. when i was old; your held me. and when i was reborn you judged me. as the last enters so shall the first return as the last and first. and they shall be lost for a time never knowing here or there but when the Lord is ready and replenished They will be the good shepherd to find any lost sheep. Amen.

when God holds an enemy captive they will be released but when one is given truth then they will answer before the Lords grace about all things known to God. all who come in the glory of God must hold there own and the offence that is given to God and the blessing torn from God to be given innocents. and by taking this right wisdom will be given and the Father will honor those who come in the name of God. so if your persecuted in my names sake so shall a great reward be with you forever and ever. Amen.

the holy bible is my soul, my flesh and body that lives today through Christ Jesus who now is the Father of Heaven. Amen. as i am less of a prophet than my predecessors i witness by the grace of God that those who believe in the Father will be saved and have everlasting life on that day of judgment when standing at the Bar of God; i know the Holy Spirit and She will be your witness and redemption forever and ever. Amen.

i have little time but the world will be begotten by the house of the Nephrite and the light that comes in the morning. as they were taken home to a home far away, these days open with clean waters and fish from the sea. and from what i heard the Lord will honor this, and for this we have new brothers and sisters above us. welcome home brothers and sisters forever and ever. Amen.

and what is left is to the right that's given the light and the darkness that will carry the gifts of God lifted into God's firmament or gates that bring the youngest and the oldest together again to be beside each other blindly. now opened from spirit is God's beasts 3000 to the west and 3000 from and to the north that is hidden before the night or it's day under yesterday. but we will all stay together forever as a brotherhood that is fashioned from gold and platinum of every night and every day, before before and after the dawn's light that brings the age of God's creation transformed into brightness from out of darkness of the goat child(kidd) to inherit the kingdom after His big brother Christian. Amen.

i write to this account for what was predicted by the Prophets of the past about Planet X or the Nibiru system is now upon us as we tend to suffer for our sins, but God will bring us together and free the world from this cataclysm that was heading our way by stretching out our galaxies and returning Nibiru every nine thousand years.

when the third day or year reaches tomorrow then the gates of God will open and first will open the second and second will open the third and in these days will the right be given to these three wise men that return from the eastern gates and fill up their lands with grains of wheat and barley that makes the Bread of Heaven in us who believe that the Messiah will return to His nation as well as the Mahdi and Buddha that were in Me is now sown into the gardens of God's blessing that is for the world to begin again as a new Heaven on Earth.

this is the free world of Heaven and God has chosen us us today to interbreed with Angels of the past and for ours seeds to carry on tomorrow and forever. this is not a sentence of Hell on earth but the opposite that is given to the trust of us today as it was yesterday trusted to us. we are the elders of God's family and now the goodness that is very close to God.

when compassion is given then the world is given a gift that overcomes the last Heaven and as we overlook the silly things that drives each other mad. we are giving the cure of forgiveness even as God had forgiven us today so shall we inherit what is good and surrounds us in these days of change and respect to all living things in God.

the planetary systems must go through God before it is seen on earth and we the people of earth now know the power of the Lord that surrounds us everyday in comfort to know grace will be given to those who believe in a greater good that has always protected us since our beginning with Christ and the sacrifice that follows us today as the true fold of Christ that was found or saved since the beginning of time foretold about wormwood is for a new Heaven but i say it is of the old Heaven renewed that returns in three days for those who are covered with the blood of God. and all who hear my words will know that that this is the Lord's day and we who are saved will live with Him forever and ever. Amen.

by the hurting of God's people that are not inhabitants to the more new Heaven's. but the will of God who is in Me today will be in these tomorrow who set in the desert plains and walk in the fires of their ancestors; these are My family and should always be counsel of the governmental figures who are in change of forbidden zones of tomorrow. trust will begin a migration(Monks) under the root of God's desert and then open a hole into the upper layer of it's cavern were the government resides under the roof of the Anti-Christ; Administration of God. it will be during the third Sabbath and God's day of rest. that is five thousand years from the new beginning that was set by God today. this will change under the government to bring back God's Son under governmental rule held by the Catholics under God by the rights given through Us today.

without faith there is no God. without God there will be an end to mankind. so faith is the garden that is remembered and given to bloom from out of the goodness of our hearts today. always remember that God understands our choices and our own free will. but always for each other to help one another in times of need. God will never hurt you or take from another's freewill to live or understand true nature of life. but at the expense of the union and measurement of humanity through spiritual beings in Christ be to honored forever. Amen.

there are some without faith and want the public to fear. but don't fear because when we were at sea and the waters were roaring us about; to and fro. and the Lord awakened to rebuke a storm; for He had the first right and authority to calm the raging waters and the seas that were shaking our ship about; for it was given into Heaven's authority to hurt or to heal the world by faith. and if you truly believe that you have faith then what ever is asked for or what ever you believe will happen even if it is deserved. a curse can only be given if it is deserved. and by giving a curse to anyone that doesn't deserve it; you curse your entire self twice the measure of the curse you given.

its the fifth dimension that becomes the last horizon under the rhinestone dome of God's Cathedral; the Hope in Heaven lifted upwards as the second and third shelves become the watery firmament that is between the third and second watered level within three dimensions that surrounds the House of God on top of a hill and rhinestone Cathedral(Constantinople) next to it. see also: Maps

the egg(moon) of God has been laid to rest inside Nibiru and she honors the return of her daughter who is understanding that Heaven will now slow down with the measure of that which is stretched out upon the Garden's of Abyss. and the third of its width and height under the measure of God's universal blessing that keeps on turning through Us in heaven as it is to be on earth to whom will understand the width and height of God's dimension and multiverse. a third of heaven is given for the height and a tenth under the width of its foundation that returns from heaven on earth as to the opening under the gardens that is taken two one given for tomorrow in return to every nine thousand years healed and regenerated through God's holy matrimony.

a time will go by without silence to awaken the Heavenly body; our essence; and the Spirit of God resurrected through understanding and the first fruits of wisdom that is under the canopy of God's hidden garden that brings the dancing or the act of rain lifted to the naked winds that whip(hail stones) through and about the center of Earth and North East of God's Holy Mountain that breaths life into God's(thunder bird) to and fro as a frail or skirt in a spiraling circle(dough-si-dough); that is given to and back to the dance of hunger(dance of bread) and life that is blowing through the air as fine cotton wool; and the cleansing of God's body; via a fifth element; and hidden manna of God's tree of knowledge taken deep from the roots of heaven's garden center though a fourth element that becomes the marriage of God's hour at hand ⏳ given to and from the City of Mexico over the first and second Heavens returning from three gardens centered in lake and from the branch the serpent's flesh eaten by the image and winged beast(Eagle) that sets above the Golden City of God (the Light)over the waters of Mexico that are seen from above a Heavenly night of rest.

I Am Who I Am; so shall the living spirit be through Me; as the womb and sacrifice of God's heavenly body incarnated through Me. and through whom; I Am the living bread and Messiah; God and Holy Spirit through the will of Allah. who is the messenger and father of Heaven through one root and tree; the incarnation of God's heavenly spirit and body; the Essence of Heaven seeded through tree of truth; that is flowing freely from the waters under clear blue skies of God's creation; the Bosom of Heaven; the fountains of youth flowing fro and to the flesh and corner stone(three ribs) of God's Church(the Light of Day) under the (the Darkness of Night) that sets beside itself under many names; such as Elohim, Allah or God of the Prophets Jesus and Muhammad; the first and last; the morning and evening star(two pearls); and two divorces under one marriage in God; yielding the Messiah, Mahdi and Buddha; the only begotten son of Heaven on Earth. Amen.

it is in Heavens above when chosen to be God's Shepherd to an oath and promise that is upheld to the world as the Lord of Hosts and God's protectorate of time and the heavenly body in Christ Jesus that moves God's mountain to the highest places with the faith of the Prophet Muhammad that sets the gate under the moon accompanied with two stars that brings the great Wyrm to unite three different branches to one root and tree under God.

the House is the greater gift in Heaven as one becomes apart of its family under the guidance of God the Son who is Jesus Christ and Me in spirit; who is the Son of God. let the House remain undivided; and first love to was given to the Seven Churches given to the father and first sons of God in heaven; now in Us who believe that the house of God will never be divided to mislead or to yield without another helping hand to harvest when in season to know what is not reaped will be burnt in the fires that can return the green grass twice to its season. and a hidden walk of ♉, ♊ and ♌ of Juno July.

for everyday given to us under your Heavens we do praise you O Lord; because you always protect the weak and give to the poor and witness for those who are persecuted. you have given me your flesh and bones to know the incarnation and body through Christ Jesus who is the roof and shelter over our heads forever more. Amen.

when the waters and rains fall from Heaven the world will rejoice as the harvest brings forth two of every thing that is caught up with the word and the Heaven that breaks forth a seal tied down and melted. the blessing is not of one but two who gather under the new heavens of the bride and groom within their own reach of the last and first heavens that recoiled inside and out of a third that gathers from the center of our garden up under the top of every light reflected inward and out towards from the last reversal within the winds of God's breath inhaled through one nostril that opens out flares within a recapturing wind that is whips across every passing minute to evaporate all living matter inside a fifth element burning with smokeless fires; the tree of life with thorns passed under two closing gates and a hand that brings back a fourth and fifth element opening both sides of the doom raining purple thermosing and the conducting power of our nation given to reversal light(bolt) capture three times within three bolts crossing the needle and heart of it's stitching tightly three ways for light to burn under a diamond's heat that cuts between the third and forth element of the same shelve that cuts two heavens in half and three diamonds given to a promise and great marriage.

when heaven opens who can stop the horns of God's creation? or who can set the sun or the moon in it's right path so that that all who has already given destruction to their world can see us rebuild what they have destroyed and then given to it's children out of great fear of God's return. but God let's everybody know that a sin is a sin; small or great. but you have taken most things that will never belong to you. so that your cursed until you have watched or seen the New Heaven grow right under our feet as a footstool and a ground to rest on. a time ago i sent a servant as the Lord to break your vessel and all the grounds around it. so that you would know that I Am the Lord and the shepherd of our Galaxy.

an evil spirit is not your friend if they are mad at you. they are not Demons, Devils, or Satan. they are people who fear that God is going to change their world. the truth is; if freewill is taken from someone would they not be angry? but God gives freewill to all who believe and would never want us to change because He or She already knows our heart and where we belong. but you hide in the body of Christ saying 'I Am Satan, a Demon or the Devil', but you are only a servant of yourself who has given their blessing away because of all the doubt and wrong fellowship you have gathered. you cant serve God and yourself. therefore you will be casted out by My name ("God") and when you knock no one will answer.

through two without trust for one another, there will always be one neutral state and this foundation holds on to two hemispheres of the brain where the balance and weighting of tomorrow's outcome triumphs over the lesser given. for the one in between space and time there is one peace to keep for the two in balance. learn this and bring forth your help tomorrow. when one will miss the other it becomes a part of a duet(duty) shared between a third party to balance them both with a measure of opportunity that holds on to the peace of a greater state than our own.

the crossing of Heaven is a mere instance and those who understand the galactic wind and breath of God's upper lower heaven in file under a third and helping hand under a bigger picture of Heaven's garden that awaits our reunion with Nibiru's crossing that cuts across space and time given to three more bigger planetary systems as our ground work; land level across space and a time returned to the ground work that was laid from the breadth of God's land under our Milky🌌Way's crossing with Nibiru's crossing inside a path leveled by the lands, ports and hubs right under our forty heavens of God's crossing or the choosing of Beetlejuice and it's gardens that branches onto us and the Tree of Heaven under a heavenly(canopy) and roof of protection given to forty years of peace through every creation of the humankind that was set to Heaven's above.