13th Terrace

The Will of God Spoken

by the hurting of God's people that are not inhabitants to the more new Heaven's. but the will of God who is in Me today will be in these tomorrow who set in the desert plains and walk in the fires of their ancestors; these are My family and should always be counsel of the governmental figures who are in change of forbidden zones of tomorrow. trust will begin a migration(Monks) under the root of God's desert and then open a hole into the upper layer of it's cavern were the government resides under the roof of the Anti-Christ; Administration of God. it will be during the third Sabbath and God's day of rest. that is five thousand years from the new beginning that was set by God today. this will change under the government to bring back God's Son under governmental rule held by the Catholics under God by the rights given through Us today.

Forsake Me Not

without faith there is no God. without God there will be an end to mankind. so faith is the garden that is remembered and given to bloom from out of the goodness of our hearts today. always remember that God understands our choices and our own free will. but always for each other to help one another in times of need. God will never hurt you or take from another's freewill to live or understand true nature of life. but at the expense of the union and measurement of humanity through spiritual beings in Christ be to honored forever. Amen.

To Be or Not To Be (Cursed)

there are some without faith and want the public to fear. but don't fear because when we were at sea and the waters were roaring us about; to and fro. and the Lord awakened to rebuked the storm; for He had the first right and authority to calm the raging waters and the seas that were shaking our ship about; for it was given into Heaven's authority to hurt or to heal the world by faith. and if you truly believe that you have faith then what ever is asked for or what ever you believe will happen even if it is deserved. a curse can only be given if it is deserved. and by giving a curse to anyone that doesn't deserve it; you curse your entire self twice the measure of the curse you given.

Constantinople(The Dome)

its the fifth dimension that becomes the last horizon under the rhinestone dome of God's Cathedral; the Hope in Heaven lifted upwards as the second and third shelves become the watery firmament that is between the third and second watered level within three dimensions that surrounds the House of God on top of a hill and rhinestone Cathedral(Constantinople) next to it. see also: Maps

The Greater Marriage

the egg(moon) of God has been laid to rest inside Nibiru and she honors the return of her daughter who is understanding that Heaven will now slow down with the measure of that which is stretched out upon the Garden's of Abyss. and the third of its width and height under the measure of God's universal blessing that keeps on turning through Us in heaven as it is to be on earth to whom will understand the width and height of God's dimension and multiverse. a third of heaven is given for the height and a tenth under the width of its foundation that returns from heaven on earth as to the opening under the gardens that is taken two one given for tomorrow in return to every nine thousand years healed and regenerated through God's holy matrimony.