2nd Terrace

there was sound in heaven bringing forth melody and to every ear that took to harmony with delight to one's Mountain that had every Saint. and a horn that was heard for every tomorrow's melody that drew neigh to six mountains. that were surrounding the highest Mountain of Thunder where Enoch was taken up and given a stone for each word that was hurled upon a tree that was made to the Dryad of Heaven. that protected Her work under heaven to be the rooting of truth upon the highest mountain. where a tree that held a cradle of them that nested two pearls for the mother who had four wings that extend four corners wide. and had given themselves to thought and lightning that's giving birth to Thunder Birds that regenerates or resets the first fruits of Egypt. and Israel unto a new garden where the young baby dove sets in the mid-west as the two give a new harness of heaven that was regenerated. and given a Staff of Iron that can be placed at the front ends or last pin through the heart in the eye or heart that is brought through our third and first heavens that has sealed. forty days and forty bolts to lightning expanded through the universe. and the eye of the beholder yielding thought and reach that will enter a tropical desert of Arizona to rain God’s fire to the winds that thrust to and about the heavenly gardens that become our prayers that were lit and lifted to great fires. the burning bonds through the flocking of smoke and symbols that are seen and heard through heaven and through you who will be marked and yoked for serving the Father. for the communion of God's Spirit to arise out from the flames of life that sweep across the gardens as to renew faith. for the one who aimed and then drew an arrow into heaven as a time to release the arrows of yesterday's word hurling back unto the mountain from whence and where Fe my mother began to yodle and listen. but one day while singing to the heavens she heard her brother seed doubt and mistrust to the sisters so that he could take Her place and sing up to the heavens. and as he did Fe took a sickle from out the earth and thrusted it into her brother's groin that was severed during his first falsetto. for Gayla⚧ who was Fe that became a female from the male. for she made every woman from man; who becomes the rib from one to the other in Heaven. and who are among the first fruits that are sown into each mountain that is moved by faith alone. and out reaches to the North wind and then to the East wind that brings harmony and the sound of every instrument made by our own two hands that has sown two seeds together: Man and Woman, and the tree was grown in great wisdom and the knowledge that was received unto its own prophets of the past that springs forth. and the little faith needed to be as a mustard seed given from the life of God's mountain. and these mountains are Everest, Sinai, Kilimanjaro, Caucasian, Helen, and Olympus to be our prophets that saw to tomorrow and gave us every attention by God’s Heavenly Spirit. and in the midst of the Mountains was a tree of silver that drew in waters from heaven as to be the word and God’s creation.

in the beginning; waters covered the earth from a fort night of darkness all but a single light that could be seen from far away turned into a brilliant star that drew in all the of stars of Heaven. as the center of our galaxy combusted and then imploded within the four corners of our region that broke fourth from the foundations of Heaven. that was heard in three consecutive concussions that shook the fruits from their trees. as if they were the stars of Heaven that rolled up with Sirius as if it were a scroll in the western gate. many come from the north and some from the south to the main land that was holding a great wedding to whom would suit the Woman. and the waters reached up to the top of the Tower of Babel where fires were burning in Her for all to see the bride to be. and Her name was Babylon the Great and mother of earth and God heard Her prayers through the rising of her smoke that was seen from afar as to many who had came to witness this splendor that was set before and after the smoke had risen for a day; and for the hour at hand.

the first day of February a ground hog felt the warm gift of the sun across the cheeks and it's face as a the ground hog blushed bright red. as a jasper that was hidden within all the colors of a rainbow upon the waters the make thus; great. a time, season and marriage for two older sisters of the same garden that pressed the grapes of wrath that were held for two passing by. for one is a Samaritan that returns the hospitality that was given to him. as to remember one to return unto that man that was broken and left behind. and from the waters of Egypt’s ejaculation. and the seed of Pharaoh that will be born from the first birth of God’s marriage that made the rivers become bright red as the fermenting wine of God’s marriage. as the matrimony that becomes greater than the last marriage that was prepared from them who open three gardens that blended. as we moved easterly with the full moon against our back within in a bundle or satchel that will be given for the underworld. for it's children to passed through five maidens on horseback as that are followed by two more advents that only travel easterly in a up and down spiral fashion that will be twisting. and sowing seeds to the trees north east to it’s kingdom and mountains on earth that was given a time before this time that was to be at hand. but was taking to hold on to each others child until the birth of Heaven returns. and then i saw a sixth and seventh maiden enter late from the heavens as she carried a child through the underworld on her back. as the moon reached out and touched the child that she was carrying unto a marriage that will honor God’s kingdom. and after the Red Sea was crossed we continued east ward as the moon was against our back and then we moved north east until we found the Mountain of Muhammad. and climbed it. and as i got to top, i looked west towards the moon and i saw the likeness of a rabbit's cotton tail that went back down the hole as a ground hog appeared to go back up and then down the hole and bring a fort night of winter. and then i saw the moon become a pearl's light and ruby that was casted to the wink of an eye of a jeweler that held treasure in one hand and Heaven to the other eye that hid under the closing eye of a wink, jiff or star gazing image that first appeared full then wanes to anew as the blood of it's moon. and rivers that were pouring from the Red Sea. and unto a Heaven that was prepared for two more weeks under a garden that’s kept the other warm until it was Valentines. and a time was prepared for the Great Marriage unto the brides. that break open two new wine skins that swallowed a heavenly river above the rivers below. that were hidden to outside caves that preserves God's word for 300 years under Heaven that returns a man-child for one hand to the other hand in matrimony. and through the beast that become land lords of God's land and mass given to the wines of marriage that appeared freely from a river holds two other countries in Europe (Ukraine and Poland) that's held together along the side of Russia.

Jacob's Ladder

when the gates are opened to Valhalla that has given the horn of a ram; with a shiny mouth piece of fine brass made dry from the sacrificial lamb skin that was selected from the sheepfold. and while a melody of taps that was played only one note and testimony that was shared to all the fallen warriors. as their testimonies were heard as far away as mid-guard. and it given to every nation under God as to every breath we saved to blow the horn of horns that honors bliss to the memory of all fallen veterans that are rising out from the winds. that were clashing and thundering for brother and brother to sister and sister and brother and sister. that were saved from the beginning of time that is beside one fold to our Mothers who will be Lilly in return to our reveille's awakening a time for one by the destiny of the lamb. and two by a new generation that’s trudging under a bridge. where trolls control and patrol. suddenly as if one had been quaked long ago from the blasting of horns that caused one horn (of the constellation torus) to separated from the other half. as if it happend during a time for the rut to happen and a time until prophecy rested deeply in the field of sleep to awaken deja vu. from a dream of a giant ladder that was planted on one side of a gorge that was lifted up as single bridge or mirage of a bridge. that once stood there years before the old Ladder of Jacob stood two fold and upright in the midst of clouds. that drew itself down upon the surface of the earth that was measured. and then remeasured to be once and twice and thrice the size of the first bridge standing. the first and last bridge north of the Tropic of Cancer that is threefold. from Asia, North America, and Europe to be complete.

there is gift that keeps given without the day becoming the last times held for the merchants have filled the market places. and then given balance to the Mahdi and the son of Christ who are in the two today and return from the last that will seed the next to come. will be from the waters looking abroad and then walking through the market places that were down by the sea. as one lifted fish all day and two fished all day beside each other. but when the two met the one in the marketplace the price doubled and the market split from under the balance and countermeasure of a good Samaritan that had return for the fish. but was robbed at the corner store of the marketplace. and after midday the fishermen who had made a bundle from three fish daily for thought and knowledge to be as truth and wisdom. built upon the market place and a foundation under Me who has been given. but forgotten as the other returned from the waters of the seamen that is needed to break two fold from one. that is to be the last but given to rest along the wayside that has taken leave for the first time abroad to be withholding unto their families. but the one who forgot takes the fish market's counterbalance and scales of thereof back to the fishermen of market place. but as the fisherman returned back to the market he notices. that one of his eyes starts to wander as to see the ghost abroad land. but attemptation pulls the boat aside to help a fellow fisherman out this evening that has been in and out of yesterday's water all day long. for what was taken and given for this fisherman to return home or to remember a time that had set to sail before its return. to be a time for what was and will be before and after its journey is taken to a market place that was in better shape than before. but fisherman returns the counter weight anyway before he shelters the fisherman for two days. that was found between the waysides of two balancing two one another so that this fisherman may rest a time. and for a time to continue their spiritual journey home that balances all life and death through the eye of the beholder.