The Fire Terrace 16-20

the raven carried a fiery branch from a near by island of the coast of California and brought it here to the north corner of the four corners region today. and searched for another man to lead this creation. and as all the animals gathered. the crow said take the man inside the cave and bring forth a plan. and they dug an eastern opening to a cave and danced to the gathering of nations that hear the word of God and then receive a bounty within it's own heaven that is carried on to its back and replenished when hearing the heavenly beings inside their new bodies beating from the skin and drum heard from each corner in heaven that are masked by the voice of God.

our Ancestors. are they not our family within heavenly bodies? are they not lit in the darkness and tell scriptures in pictures that link to the gardens growing? is an orb not a perfect reflection of it's own light. even as we grow we tend to humble ourselves but the moment disturbing we fall unexpected and bend to the ground and wept as morning comes to tell the script and a full projection of God's being laid to the ground and image thereof hidden. for our ancestor were many and many breeds of humanoid that wait upon a day for change and goodwill to return as it was in the days of greatness; for tomorrow to be the same in Heaven.

there will be a few who say God is not a woman. but i say God is who she is and man; the same. for there is only one peace in heaven and that is the Holy Spirit given to the prophet of God who will bring forth the garden and the heavenly beings of tomorrow that reach unto unto every garden that we prepared for and receive. "because of one bad person another never has to pay." and as it were today we live inside the Spirit of God; who is our Mother and Father in Heaven. Amen

there is always a better day than today and it's a pact that she will be there for me. when i'm alone she listens. she is the higher mountain and the waters that keep level with Her rain and presence; for she is in Me and the Spirit that keeps Me up top of the mountain that is yielding the strength of Her hair lock that holds on to the promise of tomorrow's Heaven that opens within both of us to return in one flesh and to be one love and hope for each other given by the grace of God's house that is now placed forever in the upper firmament and to God's kingdom in Heaven.

there is a loft and a resting place above the upper stack that opens the right for the last to come, and as they do heaven becomes black as the stars fall again upon the rivers that hold the waters of everlasting peace in the high places that will nest each other under a roof of God's protection that shelters all creatures good and evil; to be cleansed in the waters of God's infernal flowing deeply within my own heart that returns the blessing of tomorrow.

when an eagle rises into the heavens it feels the change of warm air under it's wings as it lifts without any measure to its grace and majesty that is under a heavenly view of the last corner in heaven taken under the eye that is yielding the tops of each mountain for tomorrows leap of faith from its own garden separated and fruitful.

when heaven opens up and then shuts like a falling star in the heaven then up from the the top of the garden will one fall from the mountain and then rise out of the waters and sing the songs of God that inherits a garden that is around and the garden to each others gate. that hurls an egg over a wall and into a mouth of a red dragon that catches it and then helps it crawl from the ground unto the mountain top.

the thought of Heaven is the gardens burning within the cleansing and the new gardens to grow side by side and one for each other that holds on to the true fruit of it's garden given to everybody who enters with passion for it and knowledge.

God is the hand of man and the sculptor of God's New Heaven and the potter wheeling the vessels into the burning under heaven. and the fires of Her name burned upon our chest and upon the garden twice. once that were flowing from under emotions and another that were heaped and hurled upon the head as the oven was prepared the world got small because they only needed each other and then expanded for their privacy.

it was the year of 1994 and there were two types of ants(medium) walking side by side one went downwards the other upwards and the ones going up were being eaten by birds native to below or southern Arizona. these ants also walked in a line underneath a barbecue pit one late evening that had a cracked rusty bottom and they would walked underneath long ways as coal was being heaped upon their heads. i write because birds and ants have given me great signs from heaven.

baptism by fire is the healing of flesh under the canopy of God’s grace that lights your heart on fire as it is thrown into the grace of God’s Kingdom by the hand and Potters Wheel made with clay and water that’s casted to the body and Spirit of God’s vessel that is made unto health and healing through faith. always be humble as the Spirit is poured equally into every heart measured. faith will grow during meditation and communion in Spirit. even with little faith hills are made to rise unto nations of people that are lifted in spirit. even with little faith will a mountain rise into Heaven accordingly. faith is an ear open and an eye closed to know truth and the living waters of God’s ferment.

never give doubt to another because it is doubt that angers the truth. and never give knowledge to another that doubts the truth. for one will walk in the Spirit of God and never understand doubt. for everything God has said God will protect so that what was heard will be given to the ones who listen with an ear of pleasure to the word of God.

it is great wealth to know knowledge and many have been given knowledge even the great minds of the past where given knowledge. even the great minds of today receive great knowledge. but if the least would gain knowledge some would be offended or somewhat scared that someone that has knowledge may change the world. therefore if knowledge is given by God never sell it nor deceive another by it's nature through the hands of men who don't believe that God knows all things and things that must come to an end. for all who gain the knowledge of God's word changes the heavenly balance to nature as the spirit of knowledge increases for a time given under the root of Heavenly beings that speak through us and to everyone that is given knowledge and the signs of God's right to harvest in it's garden.

the four and twenty four beast of Heaven return as the first enters and brings forth another six in God's name. and as the six living beings heard the word of God they opened a third of heaven and returned the last to be first as the four pyramids of Giza stood side by side as the two greater were twins and the last is the first that enters into tribulation given to be the second coming and tribulation of the two older brothers that were twins became as black as the first entered to give it's blessing in return as the two elders were cursed. and one was given the blessing from the mother to the youngest child. therefore i will bring forth the two tomorrow and bring back the child as to bless them who blessed the child. for the night is given before the morning that all must rise early and hear the cock crow at thrice. and as the two heard the crowing of the rooster the night turned into day and day into the night that was given for the twins to rule beside the mother and the one to be given to the light of day and a scepter of peace for the older brothers that have given you there blessing. and if a fourth of heaven should be divided then let it be divided by the world and it's corner stone that is built for the last heaven to remain and bring forth the two other cornerstones that await for the chasing of the wind that can be held four years.

and after the gathering was over the two were picked from the chosen few that had the right and will to honor God's Heaven. so before the chosen was given man and woman had to separate and return without knowing that they would become the voice and hand of God's child. so upon the rocks was sitting the man child and he was looking up into the Heavens as it just torn apart. and from the heavens we sent an angel (as a duck) to the twin heaven that awaited a wolf and duck that spoke openly to the sun saying that no darkness shall appear as you shine as that was a hidden gate from under gave way unto the return of God's heaven that is above as is it below the firmament that levels the seas of God's water to Man and Woman's return. and then i seen two ravens come out from darkness of Noah's flood and changed in the presence of the Lord and its light and turned into two white ducks as the ground was given to the hills of God and the hills were given back to mountains and as the man and woman exited from their cave and lived a long time on earth.

the burning waters of Sheol the waters of the underworld, the seas of water and fire hovering over the face of the deep, and an image clothed to the sun seen over the waters of her firmament streaming through every root and canal hidden underneath the gardens of Sirius the western gate to be the only star seen during alignment in the heavenly body, and the only light seen above his firmament gathering three kingdoms to the west with a great blasting horn heard under a western sky that gathered the three armies under the star of Sirius for a great wedding to bring forth stars and the coming of light to be our sun. behold the great waters of marriage given by two pearls for two rings on the hand of the Mother who is the Great Dragon and Daughter who is Virgo and first constellation seen in heaven and the sun brought great light on the third day of rains and cloud cover holding the firmament to a great mist that covered the darkness and drizzles below as our sun waits for his bride (the moon). the world held their breath for an understanding of the first in its creation bringing true light and understanding to witness the Big Boom heard in succession breaking open the firmament with three loud concussions lying under the atmosphere inhaled by dusk of dawn. breaking fourth the corners and light of all understanding as the Father of Heaven stretches a chariot of fire across the upper firmament awaiting the moon. and i saw how the light became five suns in the south-east that was set above the firmament where the clouds where stretched out across the whole sky and the sun reflected eternity upon this great gathering that covered the surface of earth and the goodness of God’s Spirit unto the earth and its inhabitants that dwell in a mist that grew trees of incredible size. for moon she comes and with an escort of two saints and she enters through the rings of Saturn lifted across the threshold and firmament and sets again beside the Glory of Heaven.

when the thirst is given for the deserts return the heaven will rain extreme and form from three churches unto the Mother Mary and His time receding for all life to open for the lord is the working hearts under trust as light and every rain is channeled to the battery’s storage and every well is opened freely to the residents of New Waco Texas. and the day was given to a new chance at religion under the recapture and grounds that flow willingly within the oils of Gods essence of life that receives your heart before your thirst is quenched unto the life of the three returned. and from the back door did all the heavenly creatures gather in the garden that heard and received the first of fruits returning as light from downtown district reached unto my porch and stored even the light of the moon that gave its blessing to the heavenly suburb. the yellow rose of Texas is the hidden hardships that overcomes diversity and comes together when a garden grows in a desert as an oasis. a suburb of Heaven and a spring of water along the dusty roads we strayed from long ago that made us stumble and fall, but now our dues are paid in full to know that diamond in the desert is bright as gold unto the seeds of David. made fire resistant from molten lava and golden lamps that stand unto Heaven lighting the way for the world and unto to Mt. Carmel the Holy Mount of God.

silent is the waters running hourly and under the roots of time taken through fires and the Rights of Baptism held under the two lakes that boil down the years of God’s return to be cleansed and shared from one foot to the other under a miracle mile separated by a great serpent treading north unto the lakes of fire where the serpent dwells within a watery grave under a pyramid and unto the south where Egypt and the Red Sea open the Gates of Heaven forever and ever. Amen

many have their faith remade to an image before an idol to know trust as well as your faith will be given to God’s and nature as the seeds upon the field grow into bushes so will your faith grow as a canopy that covers the garden unto life so that your sins are kept between you and God that fill the garden to let you know that you’re the first and only apple of God’s eye and He will not have you suffer the will of a sinner who believes that they were the only idol in God’s garden. so stay beside God alone.

the world opened with the breath of a mist from the last calling returned as to be the giants of old and our children returning to America who are beside my Son and Father’s blessing within this circle of wisdom and the covenant's warm fire at night under a log cabin to which this nation brought forth a Father who abolished slavery and upheld the top and bottom vine of His return with our patriarch Abraham who yields at the top while Lincoln returns home.

the number of God is the number man marked to his forehead or his chest or right hand this number is 666 what is the number of the Beast but it is the man’s number the Beast is not a system but a living proof in balance within the multitude of waters that’s been cleansed and given back to the hand of man in Heaven to be the beast or the Antichrist who is a man seated at the right hand of God who knows what is given to man in spirit, and what remains in heaven to be His, but the beast will fall onto earth to know that His time will be short. the beast who is God and राक्षसों for two days welcomes the world to know who will be bought for the time and sold before it’s time in heaven to be taken from the goods sold to the ones who come in fellowship as God’s Children.

blessed is my soul in the Bosom of Abraham. it's so high you cant get over it. it's so low you cant get under it. it's so wide you cant get around it. so blessed is my soul in the Bosom of Abraham. when separation occurs at the crossroads; so shall we divide when the waters have reached the hollow grounds that are made wide and lo unto the Valley of Death that’s placed in between the high and low road leading unto the Bar of God.

and i seen the curse of Cain and Abel lifted as the ones who are at the side of those who understand the more blessing given is the more children you have in the garden. so that twins must enter into heaven without a draw or a saving hand from heaven to be this blessing that is taken for each others wife or sister. as a cornerstone left behind so shall heaven be built around it as a twin will rule from above and one from below. the word is given for us to understand the meaning of God's knowledge by asking Him or Her.

the rock of ages is the heart and the songs of praising God and of our deeds that become the saving hands of those who turn every stone over in search of knowledge that is given to the keeper of hidden truths and a saving hand that sings about the day of God's forgiveness. and to know my deeds in tribulation that were given to the world for peace as the back of my hand that bares God's mark and number 666. and to the inside of my thigh that also bares the mark of God through those who were cursed as the seeds of heaven protected their own elect and the time taken for the eternal spirit to dwell within the last breath of life that is spoken in the Spirit for God to seed the world unto judgment day. and the day of rest for all who live in sin will enter into heaven by praising God the redeemer of our trials and tribulations and our witness when we stand at the bar of God to be judged.

who would know God and believe in the Heavens above and then severe it from God. or who would know all the good fruits in the garden that is given everyday saved closely to My own in the garden that gave no fruit for eternity to burn that very bridge that connects you and God's Heaven by a very thin breath that whispers back into Heaven for it to open and return when a time settles to the right hand of God's heart that is burning within the spirit and flame that is given before the rain to wash out the garden and bridge that is close to My own restoring what was and what will be forever in a time taken through the fires of God's garden to be renewed by the voice of God.