21st Terrace

400 Years and New Age

600 for the right and 400 left 10000 during heavens return 60 and 40. thirty of the fruits shifted shape and returned not knowing who we were, “who Am I?” and then the lord will give rebirth to only one and the garden will grow beside two keepers. two heavenly bodies that became one flesh of mankind and the wool of her hair transformed into gold as it spindled through the wind and she was kept inside a tower of freedom; awaiting the fruits of her summer breeze push up against each other; awaiting a golden child to return with the knowledge of truth; wisdom pressed with the wines of kings. made fit for every king and crown lust upon. for a sister bearing the mark of God and mother of this king. hidden in the cavern way up high preserved the fruit this Mothers blessing and coins of our dowry falling into hands of the oldest; 6000 coins; to each time and times you abode with the last heavens opened 4000. and when one has given complete trust the transformation begins; when the first heaven is destroyed. the second coming is prepared. And after the second is built we will destroy the second and rebuild the first again the first becomes the last as the last become the first. the last prophet was the Prophet Muhammad? which makes the Jesus the first Prophet? So, when one Prophet enters the other must return as the last.

I Am the Chalice of God

when understanding completes the road to life and understanding and creates a melody that no one has heard before. for many evils will get inside an ear of those who are closest to God; and those who encircle God become stronger. it would be wiser for them who knew the Prophet of God than to never know God at all. for those who never see God will never enter heaven. because “insane” minds overcome “jealous” hearts that can’t be understood. but i will say “God already has given me all the answers to all our questions that torment us. but i say most are half way there because i went through it. i completely lost my mind before it healed. I could not write everything God has taught me. if i used a fountain pen and the waters of earth as its well. then i would have had to make forty and four ink wells; four score and more. I Am who I Am and from the top of it’s genealogy I have given not to my own family but only to my nation alone but to the world. and if you would do the same so will it be given to your family. God never choses the other before he choses. He choses the one who makes a sacrifice upon oneself to be pure and complete. if one speaks out about God then everyone wants to listen if it is good. And the ones who know do not know God will say something else. And it only they who get mad are not of God but of their day that was long forgotten or past. even though you have done more than their day don’t stop until the very end hits you from behind. if it is balance that requires life to subjected renewed to an everlasting cycle of peace. and as every peace of the puzzle is different from the other a bigger picture comes together. as every tree becomes a grafting branch of life so shall the little things in life forgotten will cut us down like an ax. so, if one can not choose another branch to their tree then that one tree will never be chosen or cut down from the garden of God. even if that one was chosen before its time they will not be given the holy spirit that becomes a part of God; who becomes God; and the Family of God. even if one could not see what was going on they will not be given the Holy Spirit or any benefactor that becomes behind God. it will not be giving. under any circumstances. and if that person did know what was going. then twice will be given to that person, never ending punishment as that last becomes first again and is placed within the Heavenly body to inspire each other. But you say that you can do better than what i have done. so therefor you will become emptied and forgotten; for I am the lord the inspiration of Heaven the foot and stool that overcame the weaknesses you have prosper in. so never say “i know the Lord.” when one does not. so, teach others what i witnessed for you to complete through the spirit it you that whenever they are free or in captivity. for the Lord has only short time that’s given to the world. and only one time to do it in.

First Fruits of Labor (140) years of Age

“always love your nation.” for what is prepared long ago was prepared for Us today as it was set long ago for a times return inside a third and a sixth heavenly firmament that was made to flesh and spirit heavenly fruits of my spirit to God ; speaking freely unto its own cherubim that was taken under a cave of dark architecture; that underworld and signature to every good hidden to knowledge and blueprint of God set aside from every transaction to every ground work marked in history; built up and outwards for a time taken; and a times return. if you dishonor yourself you also dishonor your country that gathers along the waters of God’s heart trace back unto a time civil to war. and if you understand the love of thy God and neighbor that’s in you. then you will also recite the level waters flowing under the belly and over a firmament that eats from the baking of two stone pies; the word of truth unto Gods creation; our heavenly body a written or recorded from life’s creation that was written as the neck of armor down to the clad of personnel spreading out from under the girdle of fresh springs of waters; the word of every beating heart spoken only to every pleasing word in spirit, text mill or clothing God’s existence that is stretching out from a fourth and fifth part of time; pulled up waywardly unto nostrils of God’s opening pathway as two pearls return the word of God that’s In Us, and in Him that has written all the books of life held brick to brick and cheek to cheek as the word of God that protects every first and second firmament from top to bottom of every mountain level and times accounted for to every textile; and scripture; written to man as a loan book of Gods manifestations; the moon; the stars; and the rains not known to man but only to God’s sacred heart that filled with hidden knowledge and fruits that follow closely behind one another unto the holy ghost or spirit to return.

Alamogordo, New Mexico (New Born)

the first garden was hidden deep inside a ram’s head seeking the knowledge two horns in charge. let there be two gardens keepers; two hands of God. let there be two horns; one was given to hymn and the others where given to her house of prayer. the second garden was hidden inside a war horse given two pearls of a hidden deep within the gates of wisdom for the passing in return unto the (Son of God) and shepherds keeper (Brawdo) that becomes the last and first return of all conditions to sewn through flesh and spear as I saw my mother get filled by the spirit of God the Mother; who will be sanctified in the spirit and through the spiritual realm of my wife and mother (curator and librarian) for the return of Jesus Christ; the Father of Heaven drawn upon my mothers hand; who is also my daughter (golden swallow) and shepherdess unto God, and child of God(brides maiden). two pearls where lifted into heaven as the highest firmament of return of Seth through Jesus Christ that’s given to God and daughter to be its spiritual growth from wife above and below.

The Widthunder Lightning and Thunder

thigh carriage of God is thy passing of waters withunder two universes; four underworlds passing through Me and predecessor; who were above; as two were below the first and second firmaments that levels; flow and water; balanced between earth(water) and the heavens above(earth); man and wife; forty and four score; for a timeless beginning on earth; as it will be in heaven for a time and half a time given to age vitality with longevity; for two and then one latter day. falling fast from heaven’s edge; four two and four more Spanish daggers embodied or contained within the fires of God’s spirit balanced between two and three heavens coming down as once upon timely waters that reached from within under an earth or corner rebroken for every passing and the cross road for man’s time numbered; wandering through the wilderness; that tropical desert South of El Paso and Sonoran desert garden and burning Bush given a tongue of fire that purged everyday for twelve generations into heaven and twenty four outreaching from the first fruits of its labor and image unto the first three fruits of a hidden branch; (Texas, New Mexico and Arizona) a third measure as three scrolls opened to a fourth and hidden garden rolled out upon the earth; as a living testimony and complacent of one national hymn.

The Skeleton Key Hole

under the guard of thought and rolling rock of Gibraltar given for a time(Zulu) and for the times balanced unto ground zero; that key of faith that has fallen off the edge of heaven; given for the last keys and grip to Key West (keys); Florida (key hole) and golden turn key placed in a mid eastern tumble made beside a skeleton key that was left inside its key hole given through the Mediterranean Sea flowing freely above the bridge of red muddy waters; where Moses returned the Red Sea flowing up rivers and down through the Gates to Angels falling forever into heaven.