The Wood Terrace 21-25

400 Years and New Age

600 for the right and 400 left 10000 during heavens return 60 and 40. thirty of the fruits shifted shape and returned not knowing who we were, “who Am I?” and then the lord will give rebirth to only one and the garden will grow beside two keepers. two heavenly bodies that became one flesh of mankind and the wool of her hair transformed into gold as it spindled through the wind and she was kept inside a tower of freedom; awaiting the fruits of her summer breeze push up against each other; awaiting a golden child to return with the knowledge of truth; wisdom pressed with the wines of kings. made fit for every king and crown lust upon. for a sister bearing the mark of God and mother of this king. hidden in the cavern way up high preserved the fruit this Mothers blessing and coins of our dowry falling into hands of the oldest; 6000 coins; to each time and times you abode with the last heavens opened 4000. and when one has given complete trust the transformation begins; when the first heaven is destroyed. the second coming is prepared. And after the second is built we will destroy the second and rebuild the first again the first becomes the last as the last become the first. the last prophet was the Prophet Muhammad? which makes the Jesus the first Prophet? So, when one Prophet enters the other must return as the last.

I Am the Chalice of God

when understanding completes the road to life and understanding and creates a melody that no one has heard before. for many evils will get inside an ear of those who are closest to God; and those who encircle God become stronger. it would be wiser for them who knew the Prophet of God than to never know God at all. for those who never see God will never enter heaven. because “insane” minds overcome “jealous” hearts that can’t be understood. but i will say “God already has given me all the answers to all our questions that torment us. but i say most are half way there because i went through it. i completely lost my mind before it healed. I could not write everything God has taught me. if i used a fountain pen and the waters of earth as its well. then i would have had to make forty and four ink wells; four score and more. I Am who I Am and from the top of it’s genealogy I have given not to my own family but only to my nation alone but to the world. and if you would do the same so will it be given to your family. God never choses the other before he choses. He choses the one who makes a sacrifice upon oneself to be pure and complete. if one speaks out about God then everyone wants to listen if it is good. And the ones who know do not know God will say something else. And it only they who get mad are not of God but of their day that was long forgotten or past. even though you have done more than their day don’t stop until the very end hits you from behind. if it is balance that requires life to subjected renewed to an everlasting cycle of peace. and as every peace of the puzzle is different from the other a bigger picture comes together. as every tree becomes a grafting branch of life so shall the little things in life forgotten will cut us down like an ax. so, if one can not choose another branch to their tree then that one tree will never be chosen or cut down from the garden of God. even if that one was chosen before its time they will not be given the holy spirit that becomes a part of God; who becomes God; and the Family of God. even if one could not see what was going on they will not be given the Holy Spirit or any benefactor that becomes behind God. it will not be giving. under any circumstances. and if that person did know what was going. then twice will be given to that person, never ending punishment as that last becomes first again and is placed within the Heavenly body to inspire each other. But you say that you can do better than what i have done. so therefor you will become emptied and forgotten; for I am the lord the inspiration of Heaven the foot and stool that overcame the weaknesses you have prosper in. so never say “i know the Lord.” when one does not. so, teach others what i witnessed for you to complete through the spirit it you that whenever they are free or in captivity. for the Lord has only short time that’s given to the world. and only one time to do it in.

First Fruits of Labor (140) years of Age

One Nation Under God (Golden Fruits)

My brother Richmond told me “always love your nation.” for what is prepared long ago was prepared for Us today as it was set long ago for a times return inside a third and a sixth heavenly firmament that was made to flesh and spirit heavenly fruits of my spirit to God ; speaking freely unto its own cherubim that was taken under a cave of dark architecture; that underworld and signature to every good hidden to knowledge and blueprint of God set aside from every transaction to every ground work marked in history; built up and outwards for a time taken; and a times return. if you dishonor yourself you also dishonor your country that gathers along the waters of God’s heart trace back unto a time civil to war. and if you understand the love of thy God and neighbor that’s in you. then you will also recite the level waters flowing under the belly and over a firmament that eats from the baking of two stone pies; the word of truth unto Gods creation; our heavenly body a written or recorded from life’s creation that was written as the neck of armor down to the clad of personnel spreading out from under the girdle of fresh springs of waters; the word of every beating heart spoken only to every pleasing word in spirit, text mill or clothing God’s existence that is stretching out from a fourth and fifth part of time; pulled up waywardly unto nostrils of God’s opening pathway as two pearls return the word of God that’s In Us, and in Him that has written all the books of life held brick to brick and cheek to cheek as the word of God that protects every first and second firmament from top to bottom of every mountain level and times accounted for to every textile; and scripture; written to man as a loan book of Gods manifestations; the moon; the stars; and the rains not known to man but only to God’s sacred heart that filled with hidden knowledge and fruits that follow closely behind one another unto the holy ghost or spirit to return.

Alamogordo, New Mexico (New Born)

the first garden was hidden deep inside a ram’s head seeking the knowledge two horns in charge. let there be two gardens keepers; two hands of God. let there be two horns; one was given to hymn and the others where given to her house of prayer. the second garden was hidden inside a war horse given two pearls of a hidden deep within the gates of wisdom for the passing in return unto the (Son of God) and shepherds keeper (Brawdo) that becomes the last and first return of all conditions to sewn through flesh and spear as I saw my mother get filled by the spirit of God the Mother; who will be sanctified in the spirit and through the spiritual realm of my wife and mother (curator and librarian) for the return of Jesus Christ; the Father of Heaven drawn upon my mothers hand; who is also my daughter (golden swallow) and shepherdess unto God, and child of God(brides maiden). two pearls where lifted into heaven as the highest firmament of return of Seth through Jesus Christ that’s given to God and daughter to be its spiritual growth from wife above and below.

The Widthunder Lightning and Thunder

thigh carriage of God is thy passing of waters withunder two universes; four underworlds passing through Me and predecessor; who were above; as two were below the first and second firmaments that levels; flow and water; balanced between earth(water) and the heavens above(earth); man and wife; forty and four score; for a timeless beginning on earth; as it will be in heaven for a time and half a time given to age vitality with longevity; for two and then one latter day. falling fast from heaven’s edge; four two and four more Spanish daggers embodied or contained within the fires of God’s spirit balanced between two and three heavens coming down as once upon timely waters that reached from within under an earth or corner rebroken for every passing and the cross road for man’s time numbered; wandering through the wilderness; that tropical desert South of El Paso and Sonoran desert garden and burning Bush given a tongue of fire that purged everyday for twelve generations into heaven and twenty four outreaching from the first fruits of its labor and image unto the first three fruits of a hidden branch; (Texas, New Mexico and Arizona) a third measure as three scrolls opened to a fourth and hidden garden rolled out upon the earth; as a living testimony and complacent of one national hymn.

The Skeleton Key Hole

under the guard of thought and rolling rock of Gibraltar given for a time(Zulu) and for the times balanced unto ground zero; that key of faith that has fallen off the edge of heaven; given for the last keys and grip to Key West (keys); Florida (key hole) and golden turn key placed in a mid eastern tumble made beside a skeleton key that was left inside its key hole given through the Mediterranean Sea flowing freely above the bridge of red muddy waters; where Moses returned the Red Sea flowing up rivers and down through the Gates to Angels falling forever into heaven.

Mother and Father

under one horn held up in the northern sky opposite of Ursula Major; a constellation; to: Joan; Ark, 5th Dim and Convenient held to my hand as horn blown that from the centers of earth covering a time from a stamping of trust and its heart doing no harm unto each other holding opening our marriage to heaven to that have more meaning than the flesh of one’s heart recovering from the old wound and spear of destiny broken down from the middle of heaven so that only a tip and black spear head can be seen eating from the first fruits gathered for an all days buffet; a third aye; and eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth; cheek for cheek forcing open her majesty’s breast plate tearing open that old wound and spear tightly pushed in deeply for Carolyn’s womb bursting from the fine wines of sixty nine. for one day given to slow it down (sloth mode) unto gluttonism; to eat what has been eaten and to nibble on what has been nibbled.; for what is sweeter than fruit the fruits of labor. mature fruit: hidden in a cave preserved unto a time of rebirth. for what is given sweeter than an (upside down turn around face) making it happier than it was before or used to my face and shoulders while eating from the fruits of two laborers.

Coming Event on Location: (69 mins and 66 secs)

Five and Dime Cent Down River

from the right of consumption supplied to its demand slumbers under the response of silence under sloth and desire. those who owe the house of God reneges to gluttony. those who consume more than they eat have eyes that are bigger than their stomach given thus sacrificed: nothing held is nothing owed. infidelism can only be saved half a time taken from truth; for wisdom selling out under the house of God’s undivided foot path through dust and hollow ground that was unlatched from the soul or empty vessels of golden silver plates transformed unto a king and kings that were also given unto transformation through body and spirit, mind and soul rising out from water spring that crosses over and under a bank of truth and wisdom; left behind; along the right passage of God under every witness standing at the Bar of God’s redemption; the release of Bar of Zeus and Bar of Jesus.

Five Cent® Time

the eyes are the and the change to heart the eyes echo from a dream given to wink the green is jade and red becomes read the coming of the lord thy strength in heaven copper was the skin and thought three days later the fruit is the skin and flesh of gold under silver return beside three facing unto heaven three years and fours and seven given four a each week fore each wink four each eye tooth and face covered under felt hail bop and the covering of time seen seventy in-flight and thirty aborted in the fall from the nest as one returns from girth holy and true given from two times returning under green fruit who worships the God’s Day Hurled two and one from the bottom of light unto the star within a garden held at hand but voice said through the first that if you insist must fruit at the side of thirst and happiness the winds of girth the frail of wisdom or first tooth pulled truth and wisdom blinded the woman who gives to the youngest; and for the oldest daughter to return with a golden touch and rubbed into a hymn locked unto a crystal pearl that is encircled between two bosoms unto a green jade and ring that can be heard from a mountain top and a bosom of two pearls anti metallic to percussion gold polished above and below a ring; light green; jaded through copper coagulated from the red white and blue insight of three awakened from a dream; two a time four a time unto a sign that held a time to enter though the bottom of girth above mid earth half in and half out of birth fixed unto a rings finger four every eye two behold two hands grooming a half a day; a half a month; and a half a year opened though each cache made from red, white and blue; candle light that gives forty and four returned a tenth of time return; awakened from one dragons charm and hidden serpent behind the cockathrice; that O serpent the platinum dragon; tumid jinn; a set net that hid the Son of God in the womb and cavern unto peace; a veil; and mosque; hollow to thy name; the name kept sacred and silent marked to the head heart and thigh a golden age lead from a golden lamp stand left to its right centered behind; a copper, gold and silver exchange though alchemistic light held for a sparkle of light held for the salt of earth; the eye; and camel’s returned well balanced; well thought; wielded from clad to metallurgy; the first and last returning from heaven; from a pearl; a moon; a crystal ball; a twins hand; two merchants; and a third of each hand returned; promised; heeded gold; a cash cow; golden calf; Achilles hidden heal brighten for a lamp that shines forever beside the first hand and merchant’s oil; the hand of marriage; frankincense and myrrh; spice and hidden treasure; third time branded; standing at the Bar of God; lightning bolts hurled though a corner stone four wings of flight and standing leap through the spirit of God; unto flight or fight; messenger of twins; a night justified and a day returned; an hour at hand; three ravens raving under a third underworld; hymns that open once before taken twice and thrice daily from the fruits of our labor heard to the supplicant of God; heard day and night; mid morning and evening hymn locked; that can not be unleashed or taken off a wall for wailing; her every knee walk upon or drawn to the faith; our lady of the mountain; given to a path of return through the wilderness; a gate; keepers of faith corner stones and mid guard; middle east of Asia minor; the and beholder of mid guard; a tooth of wisdom; a star of hope; a spiritual kiss awaiting; ground hog’s day seen; truth and wisdom enmeshed a fort nights time becoming holy and true; a mountain top and captivity elusive to Enoch and the host of hosts that fell mid center’s earth rooted from the breadth of God’s kingdom and Ozark around and about the mothers well; the waters transformed under and over a pyramid captured capped sized under an ice cap that pulled from one kite that pulled a third kite through a well; black waters that flows up and under two firmaments; the winds of God; breath of life; shouting out from the desert; a time of rejuvenation; a fort night and time atop a mountain and holy diver marked from an eastern gate up and under an open swell; a third world and fourth heaven under mid frost; Haley's Comet and Hail-Bop observed for the coming of a sixth and seventh advent; latter day saints. Her return is unto Me from twins and a separation with God's heart, and thought enclosed unto Me her hand Saint Joan the Arch now bonded. returned. whence towards the under a gate and one day taken under two days taken two rest firth dimensions

The Center Earth of Mankind is Nested from Two Pearls

twice the width of earth 1/5 length to worth the ground; to its bottom; under its top; she stands up right; as a fat lady who has eaten from the first encounters toward earth under the frail of earth given towards Heaven. and a fourth corner was taken from heaven and returned to and from the first pillar set for the Christian God Jesus Christ who was separated from a third a of earth as one was re-eaten by a fourth time given through engagement that was sent from the south as the echoes from a far south gate encroached by the hand of God and the gift of God’s marriage under the first and second world recital to innocence torn from the third under heaven as pearl hidden south into the underworld the first and second beginning prepared for the fourth and fifth beginning held under a third hand to the sixth and seventh advent that screamed out from the desert of a lone star state that gave birth to seven other screaming children or lone star states. four corners were given to our native ancestors estate who were the first garden keepers of truth and shepherds of Heaven who held prophecy since the beginning of earth and Time kept the cosmology of the upper heavens to return to yield the right unto the dragon is to be alike and wayside who became six wives unto Him and God the Son’s return for the kings of the earth return to God’s Spirit and our own to worth’s the highest mountain north east from where I was to see Zeus and Athena on top of this mountain as it moved North and center of flat earth that opened for a fourth corner that was broken from and through a third of its return from Heaven under a corner stone unto the South Gate and a fifth dimension returned from a forth and third renewed or as were the voice of God speaks through a Prophet of God who has eaten into the ground like a desert frog returning one gender or unisex that healed for two halves of the brain awakened through the heart and mind retracting the eyes movement from the others return to await a forth of a segment first to light a and then darkness reproached within a second of a wink as 40 days spewed from the heavens above as water given from two firmaments unto the earth and the sex thereof its dragon changed from and through and then though and from the birth and rebirth of the child returning from under Gods Garden and tropical desert that opens the underworld of God’s hidden realm held for the kings and giant tombs that opened up the world and swallowed the waters that would rise in the times given by the return of Gods and Giants; Scholars of Science and our first fruits of the heavenly garden that fell from above and unto earth as timely fruit seeded unto a thousand years, per day, per garden, for the path that was given to Me by Jesus Christ; our Lord who is now the Father of Heaven to be mapped for our journey into the cosmos the new heavenly existence unto the heavens above down under to the roots of knowledge given forever and ever unto the wilderness of God’s choosing as to Her existence separated by the foot and miracle mile of two sides and two feet to reenter the snake and serpents womb that brings back the fresh waters of earth given to each hand and each wife and each night that remembers for the dream times upon return beside the calf and the golden house and upon the land the enchants the right and brotherhood given to the Phoenix (Blue KaChina) unto Thunder and Lighting that rises up under heaven as flash of time renders from dark to light in a segment of time that is seen and then heard and going or coming to towards Us and as the (Red KaChina) Fire Bird returns beside it’s mate yielding three days of darkness and three days of light given into the South Gate under the Baby Dove to rest for three days and nights in a nest of two pearls for one to return from the south of our heaven yielding the fruits of every human kind; every teaching of truth given before the time set three nights waves and firmament unto one and two foot stools for the resting places of God’s return through and spirit and flesh torn from the bone and beginning above every wind, right hand and branch given for the first hidden fruits of God’s garden for the one stone and a golden path to lead through Gibeon’s well under and over the 40th garden unto one stepping back and fro and to and through the first gardens return.

Two-Edged Sword Tested (the rise and fall of kings)

the prophecy “two great kings unto each other shall fall apart and be taken from the last king to return.” the prophets foretold the kings unto this prophecy that it should never be released to anyone but themselves. and if held partial or heard by anyone but a king the words will be forbidden to speak and those who speak the words of this prophecy will surely be put to death for treason and insurrection. fourteen years backed up for a time that found someone to open this seal one hundred and fifty-four years later given to passerby that heard these words one thousand miles away without the wind of caution taken beside the prophecy that was given for grave consequences through dire straights. but as one who was chasing the wind and tale of assumption leading one way from the other that spoke these words of prophecy openly in a garden centered between these two kingdoms. and as fourteen guards entered into this garden they bowed to the freedom this was given for he had wisdom and many years trusted unto him that embraced every good host and garden that centered two kingdoms unto a sign that was given for two opened kings that were sealed for time and a time to its other to be heard and never spoken to for they were fourteen at one time but now have reached an age of a hundred and fifty-four to hear what was forbidden from anyone but a king to speak these words once upon a time. “two great kings unto each other shall fall apart and be taken from the last king to return.” and as two twin brothers were separated and given two twin kingdoms halved.

Union Under the Sun

from and near the far east where the sun rises a year before it falls under a day given before it can rest in between two paths taken together for a time completed within a year’s cycle that is tropical to cancer(Zodiac) that sets in between a year’s time that sets under the sun together to become the sign yearly given to a weak end. when two hands come together a sign will be given during the sixth and seventh day of rest to open commercial trade and the flow of milk and honey to reach unto the far eastern and western deserts to be the first path of return under the sun as the hand of Korea and United States of America meet.

The Mark of (The Beast)

Mark = three different coins

1. Copper Coin = one day’s labor

2. Silver Coin = one month’s labor

3. Gold Coin = one year’s labor or a time

(Platinum Coin) = 24 year’s labor or a time taken for 6 years 6 months and 6 days (24/6/6/6)

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The Resurrection of God the Son

the embodiment of Christ Jesus is a willing sacrifice given for the world to be judged by the benefactor and incarnation of God from the ascension of earth under heaven’s garden kept for the creation of them; man and woman that was given duel ownership of the garden’s center that was given for the KaChinas and unmasking of the Daemon that gave authority to the elect of Heaven on Earth as the Father and Son returned from Heaven and Earth unto a vessel that was chosen for God’s spirit to reveal the hidden secrets of knowledge from resurrection to enlightenment.

The Heads of State (Mt. Rushmore)

the foot hill and path that was shattered and marked to the four heads of government that bruised head and hill to be blacken and forged outside to be seen under the heel of God set aside for forty-four months, to forty-four heads of state and a time, four hundred forty-four times four the creation of the United States of America and a fourth of time in transition for a cycle or time to leap from and to a new beginning of time half in and half out of one and three beginnings to return again and again taken beside the first fruits and garden where the Tree of Truth was shaken down to earth and placed inside an iron forest as a stone to a branch and a branch to a bone that was plucked from its foundations as a corner and force of nature returned under the flesh and body of God who is and will be the return of tomorrow’s road that man and woman take beside each that sets in between a time and times separated from the serpent or the dragon Med(USA) that’s defending every truth for a doubt and every doubt for a cornerstone held to its place from heaven to its own corner and fold squared from the forty-fourth President Obama. and given a new dimension; two-fold squared; halved; and then triangled four two-fold given to a new forty-fifth President Trump.

The Law and Force of Nature

from the light of God’s heart to open the will of one who is hindered or given a head wound of doubt taken from perspective as to comprehend the abstract theories under law and government. the heart of reach that becomes a branch of law through the spirit and anointment of God as the first fruits through the or (in)spirit to retain all knowledge given to remember per say; taken from a free garden yielding all-around view and all expense through knowledge for every walk of life to comprehend and know the value of God’s law and what was given for all citizens to be treated freely and given a benefit of doubt to every case that’s given to be indifferent. the ante of sin is death before life is dealt; but if law abides for peace between two contingents, then life must separate from the garden to grow stronger even than those who fear the price of supply and demand from good hearts set aside to be harvest but it is the cause of effect of a brief moment in time that severs the good fruits from the bad fruits to be left behind with the remainder of its fruit, but God who knows every heart filled with the spirit is given chance and a new wine skin that holds good and bad fruits to extend the life of its garden; as the begotten of truth and wisdom grows with knowledge and given a change of heart to separate from doubt, or any root of evil that takes truth and wisdom from the tree of righteousness as to become an infidelity to reach and yield in spirit. and as every head wound heals and grows again from separation as time reaches out and speak from the heart, as repentance is given for one another to enter Heaven and see God at the right hand of the Father who is saved unto the return of God’s only begotten; the first fruits of heaven on earth. and as law abides to nationalism and to each citizen or servicemember abroad to never up hold law for personal reason or doubt; but to honor those who hold law greater than themselves and for the life of others retained.

from the light of God’s heart to open the will of one who is hindered or given a head wound of doubt taken from perspective as to comprehend the abstract theories under law and government. the heart of reach that becomes a branch of law through the spirit and anointment of God as the first fruits through the or (in)spirit to retain all knowledge given to remember per say; taken from a free garden yielding all-around view and all expense through knowledge for every walk of life to comprehend and know the value of God’s law and what was given for all citizens to be treated freely and given a benefit of doubt to every case that’s given to be indifferent. the ante of sin is death before life is dealt; but if law abides for peace between two contingents, then life must separate from the garden to grow stronger even than those who fear the price of supply and demand from good hearts set aside to be harvest but it is the cause of effect of a brief moment in time that severs the good fruits from the bad fruits to be left behind with the remainder of its fruit, but God who knows every heart filled with the spirit is given chance and a new wine skin that holds good and bad fruits to extend the life of its garden; as the begotten of truth and wisdom grows with knowledge and given a change of heart to separate from doubt, or any root of evil that takes truth and wisdom from the tree of righteousness as to become an infidelity to reach and yield in spirit. and as every head wound heals and grows again from separation as time reaches out and speak from the heart, as repentance is given for one another to enter Heaven and see God at the right hand of the Father who is saved unto the return of God’s only begotten; the first fruits of heaven on earth. and as law abides to nationalism and to each citizen or servicemember abroad to never up hold law for personal reason or doubt; but to honor those who hold law greater than themselves and for the life of others retained.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

the universe and core of an apple is held unto the hand of Zeus (Father) and the whole world unto its hand; as to be given back to earth that was held upon the shoulders of Medusa (Dragon) to return upon a shield that is protecting each garden to a former state and head wound that was healed within a wilderness that gave birth to a man child (Child of Christ) to be at the right hand and path of return that is half in and half out a garden that yields; the evening and morning stars return unto a time and times given for a time for the sixth and seventh day to rest unto the first fruits of its labor.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

the incarnation of Christ Jesus is only given to be in spirit and flesh subdued by the sword of God’s hope that speaks and defends others as the Father in Christ Jesus has done for Us since the beginning of time for another to be given the right to draw the Sword of Kings and Jesters forged in stone and molded together right; through the fires and ice that brands to a mark of Heaven; the mark of kings; to its thigh and heart of armor; a breast plate and girdle; protecting hope within God’s given gift to yield; the holy spirit within the heart and conscious; that is created by the spirit and baptized from a lakes of fire and ice; for the passing of its breath seen; the mid frost of air and mist given to the earth as the breath of God that hovers over the waters to gather the mountains under a seventh mountain that was moved from the corners of earth and beginning where the passage of time returns in the fountain of youth that’s hidden under a garden that springs forth and yields seven score and four years and vintage for wine preserved under the skin held for a new beginning to break the bread of life with the wine of new fruits in heaven unto the word of God and its creation that breaks the bread of life to become flesh and spirit; the bread of life and the smoke of its fire rising unto the heavens from the center of earth(Polaris) as a gate through the garden center yielding a fourth corner as garden returns in the bosom of Abraham during its labor to be half in and half out of the belly; the ouroboros(∞) that eight into the dust of earth; infinitely returning from within the belly of hidden knowledge pulled from the roots of earth and upon the head of the dragon(wyrm wood) as to know every hair on her head rooted; and numbered; fed from shed skin; five times; four two and one fat lady that eight to cry out from the desert giving rebirth four two beings half in and half out of its river crossing through the underworld; under the belly continues the lineage and fifth element that formed all human kind from a branch of wood made to flesh and bone that becomes stone and the word written on the heart and prescription; to be alike two serpent upon a staff(rod) of healing that was given to Moses by Aaron that returns unto the bosom and cross road under the land of enchantment that returns the right path returning to rivers of the underworld that’s created for the path of return through by wayside hiding in the wilderness for the birth of a man child returning the right and first fruits of heaven to fall upon two garden keepers that nourish the fruits of knowledge that grows under the shepherd; as God the Son giving three rivers and paths under the heavenly gates of doubt to be the Father’s right in passage that was taken before in time; for this time; to be given to another time that becomes greater and greater for each hand in heaven to be in matrimony or harmony taken through a wilderness for a thousand years to be; a month or day in Heaven that returns under a cycle of four score to leap over each other; as a pearl under the sun looking over the winter solstice covering the earth to sleep for a time back to health during which two wheels return within a wheel and revaluation per cycle unto reversal from within a cycle of time to be the times returned in synchronicity within an eastern and western calendar and constellations unto a heavenly body for a sign and a time that opens and closes within a system of gears for three ages from the past to return for the gathering of a billion stars over and under the heavenly body to each hour at hand given to earth as the return of light becomes a year and a year becomes a thousand squared times its thousand squared to its corner stone made from flint held firmly below as it was above in balance to a feather that sets a gathering to 0.04 (season) through a path of light to be filtered as it returns in an instant of measure that separates the speed of light and sound taken years to distance each other for one beginning to give one blessing that grows underneath an open garden for three corners of heaven that sparkles in the distance through a fourth of heaven that was heard from every corner of heaven on earth as three consecutive thunders in heaven that came from the big bang in heaven that broke open three seals that was prepared to be heard out loud from the times that were sealed in two heavens to open from a fourth corner of heaven that shook the fruits of heaven unto its foundation and a fourth heaven to return under a fifth heaven returning within a third of heaven resealed within a fourth of heaven dissolved as salt to the earth returns two pearls of heaven within the bosom of Abraham given unto one heaven above that’s watching and one heaven below that’s hidden from the face earth to reopen a time; within three times two behold the light of God’s return from the path and hue of light returning as a helping hand given to a garden’s keeper that’s under the sun as the light of the world that shepherds every star that follows the voice of God and one fold in heaven.

as the first unto its fruit was plucked from the world and from the tree that produces fruit every day. for its first fruits that is given to an early hand that enters garden alone to be a given time in purgatory as the spirit falls under the garden to rest for a time that becomes green as to every branch and fruit that grows from within the earth to seed from the fruit that’s taken under the earth and then uplifted from purgatory as the time that’s given from the underworld as the resurrection given before the separation of body and spirit that receives body of Christ to the be blood and flesh in God under preservation of heavenly beings that returns the spirit and flesh to judge the world through God’s authority that is given from heaven to open up the gates of every heaven that has shaking its fruit down to earth that is given a time for the fallen fruits that uphold thought yielding the given trust of God’s light to shed the spirit of light becoming one in flesh through the word that out reaches of each corner of heaven that is given back to the earth and the resurrection planted under the mask of God and the root that has eaten the dust of earth from its belly and then pulled out from the dust of earth and lifted from the dust of earth as Christ Jesus returns as death becomes life giving for this world to be hidden from its knowledge to root in thought as it separates flesh(truth) and spirit(wisdom) to be one mind taken from the sacred secret that’s given to first fruits of its garden as the yielding hand made to heaven on earth and from to the return of its own spirit as God inhabits or possesses the mind and body to be the vessel that is accepted and chosen by God the Son and the Holy Spirit as the rights of heaven’s that return unto the earth and its garden.

the world will honor the fallen giants that return and succumb to it’s garden in heaven as it was before the return in flesh from yesterday that was taken for a time to yield golden fruit of it’s heaven beside God’s emissaries of the past that hold on to the truth and for all life that was given in to extinction and for its heart taken from the absents of other beings at rest to be placed at the top of its tree to God’s heart that is grown for each branch; a thousand years to come as it’s fruits are grafted into every life separated from a time that holds forth the returning branch to live under every sun to its return; as the fruits of the garden that opens by the wayside as the fruits or seeds from its last garden that is given to grow every trusting heart that peels away the flesh of every spirit to its fruit that’s given under God’s creation for the times redeemed and for the day of heavenly beings to recover in the midst of its garden for each hand that forms a living being through thought and flesh entering into God’s being as a gift and return of spirit lifted up into body placed within the gardens center to be as the first fruits of existence for an ancestral trust taken before the fifth generation that was torn from the tree of life and death as the fruits of yesterday return from two branches that is grafted for a time and a season to grow upon the trees that root deeply underneath the hills of a mountain side that stands up every tree to it’s measure and every measure from a seed that becomes a mountain of faith that rises out from the bottom of the earth to its sea level; where the waters of the first firmament touches the earth; the second firmament where the tops of each mountain touches the heavens above; third firmament that touches the fourth firmament and its wayside that connects a tenth of its gardens to be its measure to the fifth firmament above that is touching; the sixth firmament that is above the seventh firmament and within an eighth and last firmament that surrounds the other seven firmaments within the reaches of its first firmament to be given a path to its origin of return that is given for the waters to flow from milk to honey that is begotten under the preservation to honor the works of every creation to land and sea level between the man and woman’s antechamber that follows the right of passage to be a sign and promise that separated the waters of the upper to be the second firmament and its promise to be a gift to the world that holds the waters and sea level rising up two feet to stand up in to be an absent insertion to its rivers that retract from and to its level ordained through the tree of knowledge.

every world begins from a wilderness of hope for each kind to preserve and improve the ways of their own past and technology to surpass any others that are in the heavens above by taking the first fruits of labor from a path that was lost through the wilderness by the way side to return the first fruits of labor that seeded deep within a garden of knowledge. understanding is a willing step towards the universe in motion the path through law and effect for every action; a reaction undertaken for every step and miracle mile that’s given to its own path of return reconnecting through a vast wilderness(forest) to a void the southern gate or the path to the abyss for it is barren and a dry well of large stones and stone collisions to chance and a beginning to an end through an under well that follow close to the heart of understanding deep within universal law as its foundation and architecture within a passing of time that grows and yields the first fruits of heavenly beings that are sown within the Garden's of God for light and darkness to reappear as a cycle of life returning hand in hand for every chance of renewal to begin again; as it was, and always will be before the garden grows wild and sweeps its path away every world that began from the wilderness and the hopes for each fruit of its kind to preserve and improve the ways of their own past and technology to surpass all others that are in the heavens above by taking the first fruits of labor from a path that was lost through the wilderness of return to be the first fruits of its labor that was seeded very deep within a garden of knowledge. understanding is a willing step towards the universe in motion and law in effect to the variable invoked by the past and knowledge given to its own path of return through the vast of its wilderness of under wells going through a bottomless pit that is hidden within places of rest made for stones and the collision for the stones to a void or made from a third of heaven to fall down to the depths of wisdom in becoming a translation of universal law under the foundations of its architecture within a seed for a time to grow and a time to yield the first fruits of heaven to wander through the wilderness with the mark of God’s protection branded on the heart for forty days and forty nights given a rest area under the sun or cycle of light for two and two generations to coincide and circle around a garden’s center for two and two score ten day’s time limit given through the rights of passage from whence life began from a seed in the dust of earth.

Friday, June 8, 2018

the end of time corners four external gates of Heaven to exit and reenter four times; given four a time; to hold on to each others hand until the ends of time that cycles life through the hopes and fears of (Pandora’s Box) was re-gifted to the universe; as hand and marriage; as man and woman; as heaven and earth open up and swallowed the waters of truth and wisdom to be alike; foam that is spewed out from the waters, and in dispute to every good thing that can spoil will be spilled milk. to separate another in marriage is like separating the breath from the body; the farm and all it’s fields were destroyed and torn down during season. (commitment) life becomes out of balance without it’s better half or hand of marriage. marriage should not be taken lightly or altered by another yielding twice the measure. for those who knows to trust in God is to trust in wisdom and the marriage of His Prophet that can be preserved under the rivers of honey that spill from heaven unto trust and life that is given for two to complete their paths on track; guided beside narrow river of marriage that yields a wild branch of God.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

the dust of earth is the medium(the living body) of the tree of truth and of wisdom that formed man from the word that was written on clay and woman from the root of the tree that brings life after death in the midst(the heart) of God’s garden that is in the heaven and on the earth for life to exit death and enter into life for the breath of God to awaken the spirit seeded to the body of Christ that sprouted from beginning to the ends of all time flourishing the earth with truth above all knowledge as the underworlds flourished in wisdom, and above all knowledge. as the tree of truth grew upwards into the light above so did wisdom root firmly downward into the darkness and binding of flesh that is branded in spirit; the body and essence of truth and wisdom that brings forth a branch to blossom and spring forth the fruits of knowledge(the thought) and understanding for truth and wisdom to bare fruit for the righteous to be branded to the heart and helping hand of each garden keeper to enter their garden under the light to meet over the night of day; halfway in the garden; where the first fruits of God’s labor are sown for eternity. Amen.

Monday, June 4, 2018

when the time comes between two local systems to yield a path and chance for each other to commune. and as the night takes the hand of day and the walk of June; a new path through a wilderness that is protected surrounded by God's garden; the eighth heaven and the flesh of fruit that is eaten for three nights and three days to fall in season and on the right path of the morning and evening stars that return under the sun and at the right hand of the greater light escorted by the truth and fruits of wisdom to speak or pray for each harvest to yield and bare abundant change for life to bloom and then fruit garden under it's tree.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

it was yesterdays awaking that tore into todays fabric of life that open four gates to hell and five gates to heaven and its associates that fell next to the gates of God’s junction that suffered fifty generations of ground breaking work that slaves worked in accordance to life and trusted gods that inherit there gifts by taking our life source and the physical life expectancy of human existence from our thoughts and spirit that thrived with and in God’s region long ago before our abilities were shortened and man was given the gift to speak and know everything that was given by heavenly beings that fell unto earth and heaven that was created for it’s own seeds under a drizzle or mist that covered much of the earth at that time. a time when the trees were great in stature and some grew as big as mountains would rise. there were five suns in our galaxy at the time the watchers brought the moon to our world to show the grace of heavens new race and life to prosper but all the watchers had who had the spirit of God in them held down this new race and gathering that God had brought together for a generation to open up and hold their own destiny by the hand of God’s Heaven’s that is given a portion of their own work for trusting in God’s return that is also fixed onto our heaven on earth and to our new sister heaven that holds a third, forth and fifth heavenly dimension that is given only by Godly forces and nature that watch and record every good and bad act on earth as it was heaven. a single column of Federated ships where winged and dethatched from the furthest choking point along the universal line and treaty that stretches from earth to the farthest of our galaxy in the north conjunction that passes Gibeon the fortieth planet that enters under an open gate or well that pulls and pushes into a rocky abyss that is south or under the earth’s magnetic pole. The Federated Ships traveling in an express flight to gather supplies from the fifteenth garden that is in of our planetary exploration or the wilderness that heavenly protected for the seeds of God to spread forth and grow abundantly as the earth searches for new territory in the wilderness. when the Federation was seen crossing the compass the territorial ships hid in defense to observe their movement. and as tension grew a shot was fired from one of the territorial fighters and blew out a passenger hold that held three of there crew members. But the territorial fighters gather openly to save the three that were pulled from the Federated ship as their column was jammed. many territorial ships were fleet and helped them reorganize. And as they were reorganized some of the territorial ships adjoined with them and resupplied their cargo as well as entertain the winged ship back to health. meanwhile on the other side of the junction a few skirmishes with the Federal ships that use terroristic tactics to rule the opposing threats with technology and gods of the past that have reached into some of our own minds on earth to spoil what was given for Us to watch and log down any differences that come from the past to seek destruction to our spirit and world as it was in the past, but God healed the world and gave us the right to also to destroy it. so that who ever inherits the world may not lose their soul but gain eternity in heaven as it is on earth. if the watchers remain in spirit with God only shall be a protectorate of this galaxy and the shepherds. It was after the conjunction of Federated ships that entered our wilderness to unite with the Federal Union and foundation of human rights. But God promised to return to His children that live every day without freewill just to die in slavery. but the Lord waited until this moment was completed. and when the Federal Union found out that their forces were separated the Lord’s Light shined with the brightness of thousand suns that shook all the nations and world’s for their fruits to be renatured by the garden keepers of earth to it’s only begotten son to man and the trees that gave fruit for the worlds to know all who trust in the Lord of Worlds and of this galaxy fill the belly of many who has passed under the fruits of God’s creation adorned from all sides of reasoning to an eye for an eye that’s watches each others back as one behind the other as two side by side in each others mind, body and spirit to see from every angle of God’s light to rise and fall on both hemispheres to reason or yield an eye for an eye as God’s only begotten fruit that’s sown to it’s own garden that fell to the earth as a blinded light of God; as the Father of Heaven shines down upon it’s children that grow into trees of renown strength as God returns to judge the sinner as we would be judged on earth as it will be in heaven. for many will transition from the shelve; the underworld to rise and then fall back down to their own worlds we’re they will rule at the right hand and seat of God’s government. rank in heaven was given to a watcher (Prophet) that held this world because he was humble and served those who served God and oath to never forsake (destroyed) the world because of sin. In fact, he was a sinner and never knew that forgiveness came from truth, but from only fearing the One who stands Us upright at the bar of God; who is the redeemer of sins and the witness every good deed that is growing under the sun. created by the will and spirit of God that returns into life giving fruit that seeds the flesh and image of God’s life force within contents of love and understanding to our own freewill given to all who believe that Christ became flesh and spirit; the bread of life that’s given for those who believe or suffer in the body of Christ through enslavement or volunteering your own freewill for the nurturing of others will be redeemed and be called the chosen, and for those who are saved in the last days will see the only begotten son of man. (son of perdition) for it is life that is lifted from the dust of earth to bring back fruit, flesh and the Body of Christ; returning from death unto those who were sentenced by the watchers (fallen angels) of heaven to return the inheritance of earth as it will be in heaven. For the nature of God’s garden to grow it must be allowed to root into a ground that is nurtured by the spirit of flesh; clay and stone made by the hand and works of God’s creation. for those who have understanding let them remain in the spirit or become priests and let others become scholars of God’s word to preserve the content of earth’s foundation for the return of mother nature (God) that roots all her children (seedlings) of tomorrow to their own gardens that are under the sun.