as two witness for the love in the garden so shall one be manifested in Us today that is given for Her time and times and half a time that is given before under the root of Heaven that is made pure as the light in heaven could be seen within two in duality as the first will reach unto the second that has given birth to be in the Spirit of Our Ancestors who are My Mothers as well your seeds of tomorrow who are given this blessing are will be my goddess and the Mother and Sister of our daughters in Heaven.
10 months per cycle 12 years per cycle 1200 years per cycle = 144,000 years; the measure of time is a day per year given above the northern hemisphere and year per thousand into heavens above that changes life and freedom for all to open as a true guide and a measurement to us under the Heavens. 144,000 celestial years is the completion of the celestial calendar or 20 years on earth.
new years of the the celestial calendar is 243 times per rotation dated February 29 2016. the last three have entered, exited for one to return to what was and will be made from two Moons from every four years starting and ending in February to be either New or Full at the beginning and end of February that returns four celestial seasons beside each bride’s maid for every 20 years.
The life and energy that is given through renewal of God's planet and the truth that is seen but lifted within the winds that come through the gardens and the mountain's pass taken within a flashing light and distance of God's passing insight of regeneration from one Heaven to the next.
good is the light of God's creation that is the head light of mans thought that becomes a flash of lightning that's heard through the breath of God's creation of knowledge and inspiration that is seen and heard from miles by colliding thoughts that are settled by the thunder Gods.