
Financial Management Board (FMB)

Every undergraduate student at the University contributes a Student Activities Fee of $130 ($150 starting the academic year of 2024-2025) per semester. This money generates the ASUP Budget.

ASUP allocates this money to clubs and organizations through several different processes. Each semester, the Financial Management Board (appointed by the ASUP Director of Finance) constructs a proposed budget based upon the current Finance Committee Policy and interviews that are offered to the requesting clubs & organizations. Financial Management Board works to create a proposed budget that will maximize opportunities for student involvement, support as many clubs and organizations as possible, and only fund activities that will actually happen and be successful. 

The board submits its proposal to the Senate where it is debated. Senate can either pass the budget as is, or make amendments to it and then pass it. The FMB always leaves a few thousand dollars in what is called the Senate Discretionary for the Senate to distribute to clubs as they see fit. The Senate Discretionary must be completely allocated before passing the budget. All students and contacts from clubs and organizations are encouraged to attend budget meetings. Only officially recognized clubs and organizations in good standing can request funds through the budget process.

At the end of each semester, all the remaining money allocated to clubs and organizations is rolled over into the ASUP Endowment. 

Contact Director of Finance:

ASUP Budgets

If you would like to view any previous ASUP budgets please email the Director of Finance at