User Interface


Shown above is the prototype UI for the star battles. In the star map screen, on the left side of the screen, there is a red bar representing the player's health along with a portrait of the druid. On the right side, we see the enemy's portraits, health, and an icon indicating their next action.  When the player hovers over a star, there is feedback that shows which star the player is selecting, particles that fly when a star is selected to show its worth, and more feedback that shows the line being drawn once another star is connected. When a constellation is completed, the value of the constellation flies up in a distinct color, depending on which action star is used, towards the altar. The health bar also gains a separate blue bar that shows the shield's health. If the player breaks the constellation rules, the lines fade out and there is a different sound effect signifying the failure. When the player uses all of their rituals or as many as they wish, they can select to end their turn and receive a new star map.


Event encounters appear once for every three combat encounters the player faces. In these, the player is a given a prompt describing a situation they come across. Beneath it, they are given a series of different replies and actions they could do. Each of which has corresponding outcomes with different beneficial and harmful outcomes with their chances described. Additionally, some responses may have tied requirements in order for them to be used and may guide the player to a secondary prompt as well.