Art and Sound Style


The art style for this game is a 2D cartoon style with 3 layers of shadow for still elements, and no shadows on animated elements. The characters are built with very strong silhouettes and vibrant, yet distinct color palettes. No character should ever be able to be easily confused with another. Once the game transitions to the star map, each different star is bright and colorful and attracts the eye. Cards/Rituals will have art depicting their effects to go along with them as seen in the middle image. Finally, as the player progresses on their journey to different stages, the environmental art will change along with it.

Art Bible Reference Sheet:


The music for the game will be orchestral and acoustic music inspired by Celtic music. The goal is for the music to blend into the background a bit, and to be relaxing for the player. The music will use some fantastical elements, but still feel intimate, using a smaller orchestra. The star map music may be a little less relaxed than the overworld music, but it will still use the same similar Celtic themes. Sound effects will represent the natural sounds of the forest.

Primary Leitmotifs:

  • Mystery

    • Druidic magic, cosmology, and the Sacred Forest are deeply mysterious

    • There should be a sense of the unknown and unease that comes with this realm of being

    • The mythological creatures that appear are strange

  • Faith

    • Belief and adherence to the Druidic faith and magic powers the main player character forward

  • Wonder

    • The beauty and power of the constellations is worthy of awe inspiring moments

Music Reference Sheet:

Sound Effects Reference Sheet:
