
Similar Titles

Puzzle Quest - $9.99

Slay the Spire - $24.99

Monster Train - $24.99

Tower of the Sage - $4.99

Price: $5

When looking at similar titles, Puzzle Quest has been around for over a decade and was successful enough to spawn a popular franchise. Slay the Spire was met with massive acclaim, selling millions of copies. Finally, Monster Train was released three years ago and met wide success, with very positive reviews and sales in the hundreds of thousands. Looking at smaller games, Tower of the Sage is billed as a casual roguelite deckbuilder, has mostly positive reviews, and has sold a few hundred copies.

Given the prices of those games and their success, we currently want to sell our game for $5, on the lower end of those prices. The larger games have more immediate recognition and so can afford to be a little more expensive, but for our game, where our goal is to have as many people see it and play it as possible, we don't want the price to be an obstacle.