MVP, VertiCAL Slice, and Features


For the MVP, the goal is to have one stage of the game implemented, with five enemy types, and 50 rituals. The constellations creation and deck building is the core of the game, so making sure there is enough variety for player experimentation will spice up the gameplay to a level that is interesting to a player for a long time. Stars will not only be differentiated by color but also by unique assets. The MVP for the star map battles is that the player can create constellations within the rules, and defeat the enemies in each stage. There will also be a level progression system, where a player can choose their altar loadouts, buy stat upgrades, and interact with event encounters

Vertical Slice Plan

Going into the vertical slice, we are being rather conservative to begin with. Focusing mainly on our core mechanic of constellation building and making sure it feels satisfying. As well we wish to provide the player with a deck and a few cards they will be able to experiment with. Additionally having at least one event encounter implemented so the player can see how it feels as an additional mechanic. Finally, we want to have a boss fight for them waiting at the end of the demo.

Feature List

Going into our vertical slice now, we really wanted to separate what was a priority and what wasn't necessarily essential for the game expiereince. We separated our primary mechanics and secondary mechanics following this logic. For our secondary mechanics, we ranked them beginning with what would be cut first to then what would be cut last.