
  • Excel: To manage all game assets, their interactions, stats, and value in a self-updateable sheet that can be easily altered

  • Machinations: This is a relatively new software made for game design that allows you to easily simulate game loops with various variables in effect that you can isolate and track.

  • Unity: Cross-platform game engine, allowing the creation of 2d and 3d games alike while utilizing C#. Our game engine and scene creation program.

  • FMod: A sound editing software that allows you to quickly make many variations of the same sound effect. This will help cut down on time creating completely original sounds.

  • Google Drive: Easy to use cross-system file sharing tool. Easy to have multiple people work on a document together and view an up to date repository

  • Adobe Illustrator: Versatile and easy-to-use design program and graphics editor. Being used to make our UI and Art assets.

  • Adobe Photoshop: Photo manipulator. Used to make UI and Art assets.

  • Adobe Audition: Audio editing software. Used to make the sound assets.

  • Canva: Digital design site. Used to make pitch materials.

  • HacknPlan: A project management tool designed specifically for game design. Utilized by the team to plan weekly Sprints and the tasks in them.

  • Discord: Messaging, call, and file sharing service that allows the creation of private servers. Main service used for communication between the team.