Boatman's Love Song? 

A happy and reckless youth I am

As I ply boat on the deep. Menam; 

My song shall end and my song begin 

In praise of there, my darling.

CHORUS: Begin with the head and end with the toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide 

That flows. 

Who that has been e'er forgot 

Thy pretty hair tied in a sweet knot?

CHORUS:  Begin with the head and end with theb toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide

That flows. 

Thy eyebrow black, I’m sure that each 

Is a shiny as any healthy leech; 

No elephant, white, black, short, or tall, 

Can boast of such eyes, so loving and small 

CHORUS:  Begin with the head and end with the toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide

That flows. 

As for thy nose, I’m certain that 

None other has come has one so wide and flat; 

And the ebony’s bark in its core beneath’ 

Was never so black as thy shiny teeth

CHORUS:  Begin with the head and end with the toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide

That flows. 

Complexion of gold and a high cheek-bone, 

Such a lovely bride as my darling Chin. 

CHORUS:  Begin with the head and end with the toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide

That flows. 

Thy frame is as light as the forest stag 

And as strong and firm as a rocky crag; 

Thy feet and toes (the more good luck) 

As pretty and broad as the web-footed duck. 

CHORUS:  Begin with the head and end with the toes; 

My praise shall be strong as the tide

That flows. 

The End...

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Boatman's Love Song? 

Story Analysis by Sheila Abbygail Gomez


The boatman's love song from Thailand is a literary piece about a pure love of a man to his partner. The poem theme is love and admiration. From the poem, we can read so many flowery words. It's also noticeable that the man from the poem compares his darling to nature and animals, implying that even though that the girl is not perfect and had so many flaws, he doesn't care and he still loves her from head to toe. This literary piece symbolizes genuine love, because when we love someone we must love them for who they are inside and out. The Thailand cultural practice related to this literary piece is respect, since thai people is disciplined and respectful. The poem used first person point of view because the narrator is part of the story, we can be verified this perspective since the author used word such as "I," "I'm," and "my". The narrator of the poem is one of the main characters in the poem.


The poem "Boatman's Love Song" theme are love and admiration. Throughout the poem we can observe how deeply in love the narrator is to his partner. He use flowery words to express how does he feel for her maiden. Even though he knows that his partner is not perfect, he still loves and admire her flawlessly. It's also noticeable how he compare his darling to nature and animals.


The cultural practice that we can observe in the poem is their practice of showing respect to others. In the poem, the author shows her love admiration and respect to his partner. But in Thailand, they are disciplined to have a respect to anyone. No matter who they are, its part of their culture.


This literary piece symbolizes genuine and pure love. Thought the poem we can perceive how happy and fun to be so in love in the right person. Loving someone flawlessly inside out, and getting the same vibes return. lt's a very rare thing that we should give appreciation.


Figure of Speech: The figure of speech used in the   poem is Simile since the author use the word "as" to compare his darling into other things. The author describes her maiden through comparing her to nice things which convince the readers that her darling is truly beautiful from head to toe.

Leitwortstil: The author purposely repeats some words and phrases to express the motif and theme of the story very well.