Travel Brunei Darussalam

by John Tiong Chunghoo

Stanza 1

Bandar Seri Begawan weds the old and new -

roads, heritage buildings, museums, mosques, parks,

 a market by the river selling jungle produce

and of course the Jerudong Amusement Park

where late Michael Jackson performed for

the Sultan's 50th birthday - - almost 20 years

before the release of his last album, That's It

Stanza 2

it is not the town though that revs one's spirit up

but the humble Brunei river that flows by it

the river opens one to the heart of the Sultanate

 here you could see the gleaming Sultan's Palace

the oil kingdom's diverse flora and fauna

as well as the way the Sultan's subjects live,

Stanza 3

oil fuels the movements here and everywhere

sampans, motored boats go up and down

the waterway

there is even a little oil station on stilts

right in the middle of the river

for the boatman to fill up their boat tanks

Stanza 4 

the most poignant here are the

smart young generation during sunset hours- -

tudong clad malay schoolgirls

in long white blouse and ocean blue skirt

bleary eyed boys in white shirts, dark green long pants

with rucksacks on their backs get down from their boats

and rush to their wooden houses - home sweet home

Stanza 5 

a newly wedded couple

in resplendent traditional baju melayu

hold each other, smile and speed

away in their boat to their new nest

Stanza 6 

cococnut palms sway and

a Sharifah Aini song goes on air

while warm breeze blows

reminding me of a paradise on earth,

Stanza 7 

the egrets both the orange and black beak species

add grace to the to the picturesque river

the Malays call them banggau

Stanza 8 

I also have the Brunein luck to spot the

proboscis monkeys- monyet belanda

with their long flabby nose, humanlike faces

the males moving with their harem

Stanza 9 

at one end of the river the Sultan's Palace

where cutleries are made of gold

and waiters get thousands in tips

glistens over the waters

there also I could visualise the smile of the

man with the songkok on the blue dollar notes

the man who led one of the oldest Malay sultanates

which gave away Sarawak - my beloved state to the

White Rajah


                                                                              The End...

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Travel Brunei Darussalam by John Tiong Chunghoo

Story Analysis by Christopher John Sasel


This opening part of the poem sets the stage for a journey through Bandar Seri Begawan, offering a glimpse of its rich cultural tapestry. It encapsulates the idea that a city can be a living testament to the past while embracing the present and future. The mention of Michael Jackson's performance serves as a reminder that even in a city steeped in tradition, there are moments of modernity and global connection. 


In 'Bandar Seri Begawan,' the poem portrays a theme of cultural fusion, depicting a city blending its past with the dynamism of the present. The juxtaposition of traditional architecture, museums, mosques, and parks alongside contemporary references like Michael Jackson's performance symbolizes the blend of old and new in the urban landscape. This fusion serves as a metaphor for the evolving nature of Bruneian culture, where tradition seamlessly integrates into modernity. It also highlights the resilience of culture against globalization, retaining its roots while embracing change. 


The cultural context of 'Bandar Seri Begawan' showcases a city embodying the fusion of eras and influences, mirroring broader cultural dynamics in Brunei. The poem illustrates Bruneian society's ability to blend its historic past with contemporary influences. Architectural marvels and landmarks symbolize Brunei's deep-rooted heritage and traditions, preserved in the capital. References to modern pop culture, like Michael Jackson's performance, signify Bruneian society's openness to external influences, enriching their cultural experience. This portrayal encapsulates Brunei's cultural ethos, where tradition and modernity converge to create a vibrant and evolving society.


The reference to Michael Jackson's performance for the Sultan's 50th birthday highlights the city's connection to global pop culture and its significance in the international scene. It shows that a Brunei are open for entertainment and embraces a diversified culture so that it transform to more interactive and peaceful country. 


Contrast: The poem effectively contrasts the historical aspects of the city with contemporary events like Michael Jackson's performance, emphasizing the dynamic nature of Bandar Seri Begawan.

Imagery: The description of the market by the river selling jungle produce and the Jerudong Amusement Park creates vivid images that draw the reader into the city's atmosphere.