Proper Jewelry Care and Cleaning

Whether it is an art piece or a piece of jewelry, taking the time to look after it can make a world of difference in its longevity. It is important to take the time to do proper jewelry care and cleaning to protect it and keep its beauty for years to come.

How To Properly Care Your Jewelry

For caring your jewelry, especially for 14k gold filled jewelry, you might want to follow these simple steps:

Avoid heat and light

The light and heat that we experience can also affect the durability and color of gemstones in every piece of jewelry. If we expose them to high levels of heat and light. In addition, they can also damage some of them. Other gems and delicate materials, such as amber, can also darken gradually over time if they are exposed to too much light.

Heat can also fracture some gems. For instance, if the temperature gets too hot, it can remove the moisture that these objects need to keep their beauty, and they lose their natural color.

14K Handcrafted jewelry

Keep away your jewelry from any kind of chemicals

Even everyday products can cause chemical damage to precious metals such as gold, platinum, and silver. Also, they can permanently damage the surface of delicate or porous gems from the jewelry.

It is also important to remove fine jewelry pieces before diving into a pool or using household cleaners. Some of these chemicals might be harsh on the appearance of delicate gems and jewelry.

Always give your jewelry a special care

Heat, solvents, and steam can affect the appearance of many-colored jewelry. This is why it is essential to know the details of the treatments that were performed on it. If jewelry is not managed properly, it can lose its natural color. That is why giving exceptional care and treatment to your precious jewelry is very important to maintain its natural beauty.

How To Properly Clean Your Jewelry

When you love the look of gold but are worried about regular maintenance, then cleaning 14K gold-filled jewelry has an easy option as it does not require cleaning often, and it can be worn when you go swimming or shower. However, even the best jewelry can get damaged over time due to the various factors that can affect its shine. but, It is possible to clean most of your jewellery items without going to a professional jeweler.

When it is time to clean your expensive piece of jewelry, check out these easy-to-do steps to ensure you are doing the right job.

Here’s how to clean jewelry using water and soap:

  1. Fill your small bowl with warm water with a few drops of dish soap

With 14k gold-filled jewelry, this method is very simple to use and does not require the use of special products. You just need to put a few drops of dish soap and a few warm glasses of water to clean the jewellery. Then gently swish the water until the soap gets sudsy.

Warm water helps remove dirt and grime from jewelry. If soap is not cutting it on a dirty piece of jewelry you can mix 1 part ammonia with 2 parts water and rub it on the jewelry for 60 seconds before washing it.

Tips: Give your jewelry pieces a quick clean once a month or whenever they become visibly worn. But for less worn jewelry, It is important to clean them several times a year to keep them looking their best.

  1. Soak your 4K Gold-Filled jewelry in the soapy water for up to 15-minutes

Soak the gold-filled jewelry in warm soapy water for around 15 minutes. This method is very effective if you're cleaning multiple pieces of jewelry. You can either mix all of the pieces together or divide the pieces into 5-minute increments.

Ideally, you have to set the bowl the water to a placed away from the counter to avoid it from getting tipped over and potentially getting lost the small piece of jewelry.

Warning Tip: If your jewelry contains gemstones, do not leave it to soak in the water for too long. Instead, dip it into a cup of water and wipe it down with a soft cloth.

  1. Gently scrub the piece of jewelry with a soft toothbrush

To clean your jewelry, gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush. It is important to avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush since it can scratch the gold. It should come to clean very easily.

  1. Plug the drain and rinse off the jewelry thoroughly until all the suds are gone.

The last thing you may want to do is to lose a piece of jewelry that you love down to a drain. To prevent soap buildup, make sure to rinse the setting, clasps, and links.

If you accidentally drop a piece of debris down the drain, do not turn the water on. Instead, try and retrieve it using a tool or take apart the trap.

With the proper jewelry care and cleaning, you can preserve the beauty and elegance of your collections. Knowing how to maintain them is an integral part of taking care of them.