Get a Free Credit Evaluation For Our Credit Repair Services

  1. Credit Repair Services we offer will cover removal of negative items on SEVEN Credit Bureaus not just Experian, Transunion and Equifax but Also on the other 4 that a lot of people have never heard of. (Innovic Data, MIB, Lexis Nexis, NCTUE)
  2. Our processors have highest security clearance with E-Oscar and Metro-2
  3. We have 2000 likes on Facebook, 11 years in business with over 10,000 happy clients. We have many testimonials to back it up.
  4. Rapid Re-scoring option is a part of our Credit Repair Services it allows us to process multiple disputes in a very short time.
  5. Part of our Credit Repair Services is a Fast track (2-5 days) processing for hard credit inquiry removal on Experian and Transunion. We also offer 30 days processing for clients on the budget.
  6. Only company in America to offer a 3-year warranty for our Credit Repair Services to make sure that when your credit is clean, it stays clean. Any new negative items that appear will be challenged within 3 years after your initial sign up at absolutely no cost to you.
  7. We are so sure you will be happy with our credit repair services we offer an unconditional money back guarantee unlike any other company offers.
  8. Seeing is believing. Our extraordinary process utilizes the most complete range of tools available to ensure that you get the best results possible. Our results are based on real client feedback and is available for you to view in our results library.
  9. Once your credit has been improved to a manageable condition, it’s time to get you back on the track to credit success. That’s why we help you to establish brand new lines of positive credit, and credit that will help you afford such things as personal loans and property purchases.
  10. We provide services in two languages. (English and Spanish)

More information about these companies and rapid re-score.


E-Oscar e-OSCAR, the Online Solution for Complete and Accurate Reporting, is a browser-based, Metro 2 compliant system that has been developed by Equifax, Experian, Innovis and TransUnion. e-OSCAR-web was designed to provide you with an online solution for processing Automated Credit DisputeVerifications (ACDVs) and Automated Universal Data forms (AUDs).

What is the Metro 2® Format?

What is the Metro 2® Format? Answer: In 1997, the credit reporting industry initiated the use of the “Metro 2®” format which became the industry standard for reporting trade line information. The Metro 2® format layout was developed by Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) to replace the Metro format which was developed in the late 1970’s. The Metro 2® format layout is described in the Metro 2® Credit Reporting Resource Guide.


MIB The Medical Information Bureau, Inc. (MIB), a Delaware corporation, is the world’s largest insurance reporting agency and represents approximately 750 member insurance companies. “MIB collects and furnishes information on consumers to all Medical Information Bureau (MIB) member corporations for use in the insurance underwriting process.”

About Innovis Data

About Innovis Data They provide innovative consumer data solutions for businesses through: Identity Verification Fraud Prevention Receivables Management Credit Information As a Consumer Reporting Agency, they enable: Credit Reports Dispute Resolution Fraud and Active Duty Alerts Blocks Security Freezes Opt-Outs

Lexis Nexis

Lexis Nexis LexisNexis Group is a corporation providing computer-assisted legal research as well as business research and risk management services.


NCTUE The NCTUE data report is a record of all telecommunication, pay TV and utility accounts reported by exchange members, including information about a consumer’s account history, unpaid closed accounts and customer service applications.

What is a Rapid Re-scoring?

What is a Rapid Re-scoring? Rapid re-scoring is a service that lenders use to make quick updates to your credit reports. The goal is to improve the information in your credit history, resulting in a higher credit score. By removing negative items, reducing loan balances, and fixing errors, it may be easier to get approved for a low-cost loan. The process is called “rapid” because updates are accelerated. Instead of waiting for information in your credit reports to be updated by regularly scheduled batch reports, you’ll manually update that information with the help of your lender. For example, if you pay off a credit card, that information can be pushed to a credit bureau a few days after your payment is received, and you can then request an updated credit score from that credit bureau.