IgA Kidney Disease Treatment
Are You Suffering from IgA Nephropathy?
A specialized kidney disease called IgA Nephropathy or Berger’s disease is a kidney disease that takes place when an antibody called Immunoglobulin A (IgA) builds up in the kidneys. If you have this disease, you’ll have inflammation in the area and could have trouble with your kidneys. You need to talk to your doctors and specialists about the treatment of this disease if you happen to have it. Your kidneys are an important part of your overall livelihood and health and you need them to function properly to live.
How Does This Disease Grow?
Unlike some diseases that attack you quickly and become part of the challenges you face in your life right away, if you have IgA kidney disease, it grows slowly. It can take years for this disease progress and show a need for treatment. The course of the disease varies from person to person with some people experiences blood in the urine without having other problems while other people could develop from IgA Nephropathy to eventually develop end-stage kidney failure. Currently, there isn’t a cure for this disease, but there is treatment through some medications that can slow it down.
Symptoms of IgA Kidney Disease
The early stages of IgA Nephropathy don’t typically cause symptoms to show, which means you could have this disease for many years and it will go unnoticed. This disease can sometimes show up with routine tests reveal protein and red blood cells in the urine that can’t be seen without a microscope.
Signs and symptoms of IgA kidney disease include:
Cola or tea-colored urine
Repeated episodes of cola or tea-colored urine with sometimes visible blood in your urine, usually during or after an upper respiratory or other infection, sometimes after strenuous exercise
Foamy urine from protein leaking into your urine
Pain in the one or both sides of your back below your ribs
Swelling in your hands and feet
High blood pressure
Possible Associated Issues with IgA Kidney Disease
The exact cause of IgA Kidney Disease isn’t known yet, but treatment is necessary and sometimes a transplant is needed to remove the affected kidneys. There are some factors that might be associated with this particular kidney disease.
Genes – IgA kidney disease is more common in some families and certain ethnic groups
Liver Disease – Any type of liver disease could also lead to and be a factor in IgA Kidney Disease
Celiac Disease – Eating gluten can trigger a digestive condition which is associated with this disease
Infections – These can include HIV and some bacterial infections
See a Doctor for Treatment
If you see reddish or foamy urine, or you exhibit any of the other symptoms listed, you need to see your doctor and learn whether or not you need to begin the process of IgA Kidney Disease treatment. Some medicines can work to slow this disease down and it may eventually go away. If not, you might need to be on a list for a kidney transplant, which can take time.