Use Safe Work Method Statements to Choose a Piling Contractor

If you’re about to start work on your building’s foundation, then you’ll talk to contractors who can do the boring and piling work for you. If you haven’t used this kind of company before, then shortlisting suitable contractors may be difficult.

Everyone you talk to will tell you that they can do the job. Contractors who’ve made it on to your shortlist will have expertise in their field and know what they are talking about. They’ll also have worked on projects you may know about or have references you can check, which will help you better understand their previous work.

However, once you get to this stage, you may have several contractors to choose from who all seem pretty much the same. To dig a little deeper, you can talk to shortlisted companies about safety documents like safe work method statements. This step may make one of your potential contractors stand out from the rest and help you make a decision. In this post, we are going to outline the key requirements when choosing the right Sydney piling contractor.

Do They Take Safe Work Method Statements Seriously?

Any contractor you hire to do high-risk work like boring and piling has to produce a safe work method statement. These statements outline the scope of the job, the risks, and any appropriate safety measures that need to be taken.

These safety measures don’t just protect the contractor’s employees. They also cover general site safety during boring and piling work. So, these documents are extremely important. In fact, they are required for high-risk work under health and safety regulations.

Any contractor who doesn’t see the need to produce a safe work method statement should be eliminated from your shortlist immediately. Think twice about hiring anyone who doesn’t seem to take the process that seriously.

You need to hire a boring and piling contractor who understands their obligations and who always completes a comprehensive statement for a job.

While safety is a major concern when choosing the right piling contractor, it is also important to ensure other requirements are met and considered. If you’d like some more information, our page Piling Contractors Sydney, has some great information on all things piling contractors.

Do They Have an Established Track Record?

If a contractor has produced a comprehensive statement that covers everything you expected to see, or perhaps more than you knew, then they are a good option. Remember that the statement should be a reflection of the company’s actual practices.

Work with contractors who know about and comply with local and national regulations that might affect the boring and piling work. You can’t afford to have a project go wrong because a contractor didn’t work to guidelines.

Plus, given that this work is high-risk, you need to check that the contractor does regular maintenance and runs periodic safety checks on their equipment and machines. Make sure that their equipment is up to date and has been inspected recently. Similarly, you also need to know that the contractors’ employees are fully trained and hold appropriate licences, so make sure to ask about this crucial information.

When you’re looking for a piling contractor, start with the basics like references and past projects you can look over. However, if that doesn’t eliminate all the competition, don’t stop there. Make sure to check whether they take safe work method statements seriously and see if they have a track record of success before you make your decision. Your project has a better chance of success if you follow these tips.

If you’re in the Sydney area and need a piling contractor, don’t overlook Robar Boring Contractors Pty Ltd. We offer a full range of boring, piling and drilling services for any size of construction project. We take our responsibilities seriously and are happy to talk to you about our commitment to meeting all safety regulations while we work on your project. To find out more, contact us and speak with a member of our staff.