Recent News

Here you would find recent (mainly research related) news of the members of the group. 

The Third PhD from the group! 

Congratulations Dr. Poulami Nandi!! 

Poulami defended her thesis, titled "Carrollian Conformal Symmetry and Holography", on April 6, 2022. 

The Second PhD from the group! 

Congratulations Dr. Pulastya Parekh!! 

Pulastya defended his thesis, titled "Tensionless Strings: A Perspective from the Worldsheet", on January 13, 2020. 

The first PhD from the group! 

Congratulations Dr. Aditya Mehra!! 

Aditya defended his thesis, titled "Galilean Conformal Field Theories", on November 14, 2018. 

Rajesh Gopakumar was his external examiner. So he did not have an easy ride :-)