Fram Strait sea ice export


Graphs below calculated from the OSISAF Low Resolution Sea Ice Drift product (OSI-405).

Definition of Fram Strait (yellow line) and extension to Franz Josef Land (red line):

In the images below, the arrows show the direction and relative magnitude of sea ice drift, not the absolute magnitude.

Average sea ice drift in last 10 days:

Average drift in last 30 days:

Average drift with custom start and end date  (from June 2017 onward):

(normally the image loads within a few seconds after you click the Submit button, but after a period of long inactivity, it may take literally a minute for the backend service to restart and the image to appear. Be patient... ).


Definition of Fram Strait (yellow line) and extension to Franz Josef Land (red line):

Sea ice volume export:

Sea ice area export: