Reviving Arab Reform

Chapter 7. Social Aspects of Arab Reform

This chapter evaluates most of these challenges along with identifying the strengths and deficiencies of aspects of societal development in Arab countries. The chapter begins by highlighting the situation of poverty and inequality in the region. Secondly, it presents the development of the different aspects of human capital reform in the areas of education, health and scientific research. Lastly, the chapter assesses the necessary public goods such as physical infrastructure and technology needed for sustainable development.

In this chapter, we have shown how the implications of the economic reform programs in the Arab region reflected on the social side. It was evident that the implemented weak and partial reform programs had sharply increased the ratios of poverty and inequality. On the other hand, the social reform indicators depict that all Arab countries could do more to nurture and improve their capacity to the fullest extent, as they have only experienced a gradual increase over the whole period, and most of them have remained lower than in other developing regions. The indicators also show a clear correlation between a region’s income level and the levels of social reform indicators. A more qualified labour force will be needed to accompany the structural reforms of the economies and the growth prospect of the region. Thus, R&D should not be neglected if the Arab region wants to increase its productivity gains and be able to compete internationally.


Abdelbary, I. (2021), "Social Aspects of Arab Reform", Reviving Arab Reform: Development Challenges and Opportunities, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 81-98.