Ultra Bosses
Ultra Weapons
If you're looking for information on how to obtain each damage-boosting weapon from the Ultra Bosses, check out Tier 3 and higher of the Items section in the New Player guide or the Other Items page.
Setup Information
The setups in each section below do not cover every setup that could work. It only covers the fastest and most accessible setups (you may personally find some easier than others but I always recommend the Best Setup).
Scrolls of Enrage
For some Ultra Boss fights, setups will require a class that can taunt. Classes without a taunt, like Void Highlord and Dragon of Time, can use a Scroll of Enrage instead, which taunts for 6 seconds. Any class suggestions that need them will have (SoE) put next to them. To learn how to make Scrolls of Enrage, see the SpellCrafting guide.
Elixirs, Tonics, Potions
Unless you're attempting maximum efficiency, consumables are usually unnecessary to defeat Ultra Bosses.
If you are using them, aim to get Potent/Unstable versions when available (Felicitous Philtres would generally be better than non-Potent Honour Potions). See the Alchemy guide and Acronyms guide if you are unfamiliar with the below information.
The best consumables for common classes can be found below. If you don't want to get Potent Honour Potions (perhaps due to the price), Felicitous Philtres are a good one-size-fits-all option.
Battle Elixir, Fate Tonic, Felicitous Philtre
CAv, CSp, DSG, GT, NC.Battle Elixir, Fate Tonic, Potent Honour Potion
AP, CMD, CMP, DKL, LDK, LoO (can also use Revit/Body), SSoT, TK, VHL.Malevolence Elixir, Fate Tonic, Potent Honour Potion
LR, PMB, SC.Malevolence Elixir, Sage Tonic, Potent Honour Potion
DT.Malevolence Elixir, Might Tonic, Potent Honour Potion
Calendar Classes
Most Calendar classes cannot be used effectively in Ultra Boss fights because they are limited by each Boss Shield, which reduces damage dealt over a certain amount. This greatly affects the viability of burst Chronos, like Corrupted Chronomancer and Chrono DataKnight. Instead, use classes with lower but high sustained damage like Void Highlord, Chaos Avenger, or even ShadowWeaver of Time.
Locations: /ultraezrajal, /ultrawarden, /ultraengineer (requires completing quests at /timeinn)
Obtainable Item: Exalted Apotheosis
Best Setup
Void Highlord - Damage
Legion Revenant (SoE) - Support + Group DPS + Taunt for Warden
Lord of Order - Support
Frostval Barbarian or Continuum Chronomancer (less reliable) - Support
Best Alternatives
Great Thief - Damage
Legion Revenant (SoE) - Support + Group DPS + Taunt for Warden
Lord of Order - Support
Frostval Barbarian - SupportDragon of Time - Damage
Legion Revenant (SoE) - Support + Group DPS + Taunt for All Bosses
Lord of Order - Support
LightCaster - SupportChrono Commandant > Dragonslayer General - Damage
Legion Revenant (SoE) - Support + Group DPS + Taunt for Warden
Lord of Order - Support
Frostval Barbarian - Support
This fight is similar to Ultra Raxgore because Ezrajal will lock your abilities and use Counter Attack, which makes your damage reflect onto you. Avoid it by pressing ESC as Ezrajal prepares this attack. Resume once it fades.
This fight is similar to Tibicenas because it will occasionally put players at 1 HP. Warden also has an unavoidable 7% chance to stun any player. The best strategy to deal with the Enrage at the end of the fight is for Legion Revenant to use a Scroll of Enrage at around 450k HP. While fully buffed, LR won't die due to Arcane Shield.
As soon as you enter the room, don't walk forward otherwise you'll get one-shot! Let someone with long-range abilities attack first and then you can move.
The priority for this fight is to defeat the Defense Drone > Attack Drone > Engineer.
If you're slow to defeat the Defense Drone, it will charge a Counter Attack, just like Ezrajal. Use the same strategy to avoid it. Engineer will also release an unavoidable high-damage attack every 45s until completion and they won't take damage while Drones are alive.
Public rooms may wish to use ArchPaladin. This will slow down the fight but it will help the group survive if you're wiping a lot. I would try to clear Engineer without it, though.
Location: /ultratyndarius (requires finishing story, which starts at /fireplanewar)
Obtainable Items: Infernal Flame Pyromancer, Infernal Flame Khopesh
Best Setup
ShadowWeaver of Time - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic Orbs, Stack Order on Tyndarius
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Best Alternatives
Continuum Chronomancer > Chrono Commandant > Dragon of Time (SoE) > Chaos Avenger > Dragonslayer General > DeathKnight Lord - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic Orbs, Stack Order on Tyndarius
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
The concept of this fight is to defeat the two Orbs then target Tyndarius. Only one Orb should be alive at any time so ensure that they are spawning separately. Simply repeat Left Orb > Right Orb > Tyndarius. The Taunter should be using their Taunt skill or Scrolls of Enrage throughout the fight.
If you're using ShadowWeaver of Time, you can also try only targeting Tyndarius. This will require a good group to pull off as you'll be under higher pressure from taunting Orbs and Tyndarius constantly.
Location: /championdrakath
Obtainable Items: Chaos Avenger, Empowered Chaos Avenger's Greatsword
The quest for this Ultra Boss is a weekly, which resets on Fridays.
Best Setup
Void Highlord - Damage
StoneCrusher - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order (SoE) - Taunt + Support
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Best Alternatives
Continuum Chronomancer - Support + Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order (SoE) - Taunt + Support
ArchPaladin - Support + Time HealsDragon of Time > Chaos Avenger > Shaman - Damage
StoneCrusher - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order (SoE) - Taunt + Support
ArchPaladin - Support + Time HealsChaos Shaper - Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order (SoE) - Taunt + Support
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Drakath releases a high damage attack to the party at every 2m HP mark (18m, 16m, 14m... - excludes 10m and 2m). The strategy is to taunt Drakath just before each 2m HP mark, otherwise he will likely wipe your group. If using Scrolls of Enrage (SoE) to taunt, 7 are needed for the fight.
Lord of Order is the most efficient taunter for this fight but it can also be done by a Void Highlord or ArchPaladin. Lord of Order should also be using the Body Tonic and Revitalise Elixir for this.
In most cases, use gear that boosts damage to Chaos. As an ArchPaladin or Lord of Order, you may prefer to use a weapon that boosts damage to All as this will also boost your heals. This isn't effective as a StoneCrusher as boosts don't affect HoTs and DoTs (Heal/Damage over Time).
/ultranulgathObtainable Items
Sin of the Abyss, Roentgenium of NulgathHP
10m (Nulgath), 1m (Blade)Boss Shield
100k@0.8 (Nulgath), 50k@0.7 (Blade)
What does this mean? If you had a class that normally dealt 200k damage, attacking Nulgath would lower that to 110k. This is because any damage over the Boss Shield cap (100k in this case) is raised to the shield’s exponent (0.8 in this case), which looks like 100k+100k^0.8=110k. Attacking the Blade would look like 150k+50k^0.7=151947.
The core mechanic of Ultra Nulgath is the three contracts that he applies, including:
Reduces defence by 50% for 10 seconds.Despair
Reduces dodge and crit chance by 75% and outgoing damage by 50% for 10 seconds.Stagnation
Further reduces dodge and crit chance by 75% and outgoing damage by 50% for 10 seconds.
These contracts apply to the whole party and are conditional, meaning that the second contract (Despair) will apply if the first contract (Frailty) is in effect, and the third contract (Stagnation) will apply if the second is in effect.Â
Two players should be taunting Nulgath so that these contracts are forced to only apply to them (these players will be referred to as taunter1 and taunter 2 from now on). Taunting should be done with Scrolls of Enrage (see SpellCrafting guide), which is the more flexible option, or with classes like Chaos Avenger that have a built-in taunt. Because the contracts are conditional, you should ideally keep rotating the first contract, stopping anyone from receiving the second one.
Find the two taunting strategies below:
Spam Method
Taunt on cooldown with a 6-second gap between taunter1 and taunter2. For example, taunter1 would enrage at the beginning with taunter2 following 6 seconds in.
This method isn’t flawless, as sometimes the taunts will align so that a player could have either 2 or 3 contracts, leading to their death. Rarely, the party will wipe as well. This method also makes it impossible to use a 3-person party for Ultra Nulgath, which is possible with the Efficient method. This is because enrage is used to catch the first stack of contracts (Frailty), so spamming it is fatal, especially in 3-person comps, because the window of catching Frailty is only 6 seconds, which jeopardises the sync due to conditional contracts getting activated on one taunter or even worse, the rest of the team.Efficient Method
Taunter1 applies Enrage 6 seconds after the team starts attacking Nulgath, and the cue for taunter2 is "Behold the power of the Abyss”, which works because this has a cooldown of 14 seconds, making your enrage accurate and never overlapping with your partner's (existing enrage is overlapped by the latest enrage).
After taunter2 taunts at “Behold the power of the Abyss”, taunter1 should taunt around 10 seconds after that (or 5 seconds after your last frailty faded).
Once this sync is achieved, all the taunters have to do is keep an eye on the cooldown of Frailty to wait for it to wear off so they can reapply enrage right as it fades. I suggest enabling the Aura UI and watching for the skill.
A video with the taunter1 perspective, which shows well-timed taunts using the efficient method, can be found here: https://streamable.com/d7u052.
The other mechanic involves the Overfiend Blade, which will wipe your party if left alive for longer than 45 seconds. However, each time your party does kill the Blade, it gives Ultra Nulgath a buff of 50% more outgoing damage and outgoing physical damage, which stacks indefinitely. Therefore, the Blade should only be killed to avoid the nuke and otherwise left alive.
A safe strategy is to let your DPS party member target it for around 10-20 seconds and then switch to Nulgath, which will kill the Blade around the 36-44 second mark in most good parties. Overall, it should ideally take 0-2 Blade kills before defeating Ultra Nulgath, which can depend on your party, equipment, and consumables. See more info about this in the Setups section below.
A video of a zero-cycle Ultra Nulgath (no Blade kill) can be found here: https://streamable.com/f75x99. It’s also possible to one-shot Ultra Nulgath using a Chrono class, such as CDK or SSoT, with some help from other people.
As long as you have two tanky taunters, you should be fine. These include classes like AP, CAv, VHL or LR. Other options also exist, like LoO (which only works by squaring a Revitalise Elixir - you can do this by consuming a Potent Honour Potion, buffing yourself with all of LoO’s buffs and LR’s 4, then using the Revitalise Elixir, making its HoT larger than usual).
VHL VHL LoO LR (fastest of standard setups)
VHL VHL LoO AP (also very fast)
CAv+CAv instead of VHL+VHL works without needing scrolls of enrage but has stricter timing as CAv’s built-in taunt last 4 seconds as opposed to 6 seconds with the scroll.
(AP or LR can be replaced with either SC or LC - you probably want this for the spam method of taunting, as having an AP is more forgiving).DT LR LoO AP
LoO AP LR (with consumables)
LR should use Malevolence + Sage + Potent Honour
AP should use Fate + Battle + Enrage
Loo should use Revitalise (squared - see the top of Setups section) + Body +Â Enrage
Fastest Unconventional
(all must be using full consumables - proven to work as a zero-cycle setup)
Location: /ultradrago (requires finishing story, which starts at /eridani)
Obtainable Item: Prince Darkon's Poleaxe
The quest for this Ultra Boss is a weekly, which resets on Fridays.
Best Setup
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Best Alternatives
ArchPaladin (SoE) > Dragonslayer General > DeathKnight Lord - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin - Support + Time HealsChaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Lord of Order (SoE) - Taunt + Support + Quixotic
The order of this fight is to defeat Bowmaster > Executioner > Drago. If you're slow, you will receive many debuffs from Bowmaster and Executioner, which might prove fatal. If you take longer than 3 minutes to defeat them, King Drago will instantly kill your entire team.
Lord of Order should stay on Executioner the whole time and Quixotic him just before Bowmaster dies to negate his high damage attack.
Use gear that boosts damage to Humans.
Location: /ultradage (requires finishing story, which starts at /dage)
Obtainable Items: Empowered Items, Legion Revenant reagents.
The quest for this Ultra Boss is a weekly, which resets on Fridays.
Best Setup
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion DoomKnight - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
Best Alternatives
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion DoomKnight - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
Continuum Chronomancer - Support + Group DPSChaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion DoomKnight - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + QuixoticChaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
For this fight, I suggest hiding players and enabling Class Actives/Auras UI from within Advanced Options. This will help to reduce lag and make the fight easier.
The core mechanic of Ultra Dage is that healing skills cannot be used while Noxious Decay is active on yourself as it inverts your heals. You can see when this effect fades by enabling the Auras UI. Life steals, like Legion DoomKnight's Soul Siphon ability (3), won't get inverted. Therefore, everyone in the group should be using the Health Vamp awe enhancement to stay alive (ensure you're in auto attack range whenever possible to trigger its effect). You may also like to use survivability consumables, like the Endurance Draught Potion and Body Tonic, as they boost your Endurance (this is more effective than using Scrolls of Life Steal).
Dage will also use Zone Strikes every 15 seconds. You will only have 3 seconds to reach the highlighted zone at either side of the room to protect yourself. If you die, Dage will regenerate 500k HP.
Lastly, Dage will charge Summon Legion Mages for 10 seconds every 60 seconds. You will have a small 3 second window during this time where Noxious Decay isn't active to heal up. Dage will also attempt to heal by applying a HoT to himself over 14 seconds - LDK can loop its Decay effect from 5 to negate it whereas LR will have to spam 2. If you're in a setup without Decay, use a Scroll of Decay. After, Dage will unleash Energy Blast on all players. Lord of Order should Quixotic this or ArchPaladin can use Righteous Seal. You could also taunt it but this slows the fight as Dage reduces his own defense by 30% for each person that's hit by it.
Location: /ultrakala (Seasonal - August)
Obtainable Item: Kala's Living Head (at /kala)
Best Setups
Void Highlord or Any Good GDPS Class - Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support
ArchPaladin - Support + Time Heals
As long as you're using a good setup, you can essentially just spam. There are no mechanics that you need to work around.
Location: /ultraiara (Seasonal - September)
Obtainable Items: Iara's Brush, Acolyte's Staff, Water Orb
Best Setups
Void Highlord or Any Good GDPS Class - Damage
Void Highlord or Any Good GDPS Class - Damage
Legion Revenant - Support + Group DPS
Lord of Order - Support
As long as you're using a decent setup, you can essentially just spam. Iara's debuffs can be removed by leaving the boss screen and switching classes.
Location: /ultradarkon (requires finishing story, which starts at /eridani)
Obtainable Item: Darkon's Debris 2
The quest for this Ultra Boss is a weekly, which resets on Fridays.
Best Setup
Best Alternatives
Malgor (The First Speaker)
Location: /ultraspeaker (requires finishing story, which starts at /fireplanewar)
Obtainable Items: Radiant Goddess of War
The quest for this Ultra Boss is a weekly, which resets on Fridays.
4 Taunt Setup
Legion Revenant - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin/Paladin Chronomancer - Support + Time Heals
Stonecrusher -Â
3+1 Taunt Setup
Chaos Avenger - Taunt + Damage
Legion Revenant - Group DPS + Decay
Lord of Order - Support + Quixotic
ArchPaladin/Paladin Chronomancer - Support + Time Heals