Shadow Orb


Merge the Evolved Shadow Orb pet in Dirtlicker's shop at /archportal. You'll need membership for this Orb.

Use the Reagent Library for details on how to get the following items:

  • Nulgath's Approval x200

  • Totem of Nulgath x10

  • Voucher of Nulgath

  • Gem of Nulgath x20

  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)

  • Unidentified 13 x3

Quest 1 - Armour

From the pet, complete "Reborn in the Dark Side". You'll need Bard at Rank 10 (which can be bought from the /mythsong Rep shop - requires Rank 4 Mythsong) and the Platinum Coin of Nulgath: 2500, which you should only purchase after obtaining every reagent so that you can either sell it, use it with another Orb's quests, or for Quest 3 below.

Use the Reagent Library for details on how to get the following items:

  • Unidentified 13 x3

  • Unidentified 25

  • Voucher of Nulgath

  • Behemoth Blade of Shadow

  • Nulgath's Approval

  • Fiend Token x30

  • Azure Starblade

Quest 2 - Helm

From the pet, complete "Void Emotions". You'll need the Platinum Coin of Nulgath: 300, which you should only purchase after obtaining every reagent so that you can either sell it or use it with another Orb's quests.

Use the Reagent Library for details on how to get the following items:

  • Dark Crystal Shard x10

  • Diamond of Nulgath x50

  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)

  • Blood Gem of the ArchFiend x5

  • There is no Myself

Quest 3 - Spear

From the pet, complete "Shape your Nothingness". You'll need the Platinum Coin of Nulgath: 2500, which you should only purchase after obtaining every reagent so that you can either sell it, use it with another Orb's quests, or for Quest 1 above.

Use the Reagent Library for details on how to get the following items:

  • Unidentified 10 x30

  • Tainted Gem x30

  • Dark Crystal Shard x30

  • Unidentified 29

  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)

  • Random Weapon of Nulgath

  • Totem of Nulgath x10

  • Destruction Elixir x15
