Fire Champion's Armour


  • Storyline Completion
    This includes /fireplanewar > /shadowfireplane > /fireinvasion > /wartraining > /fireavatar.

  • Rank 10 Dragonslayer
    Purchase from /lair, rank up using your best XP method from the New Player guide.


Purchase the Fire Champion's Armour from Vagra's Merge shop at /wartraining with the following items:

  • Polished DragonSlayer

    1. Warfury Emblem x90 (30 for the armour, 60 for later)
      Complete Varga's "Warfury Training" quest at /wartraining. You can use Vagra's Zone Map to get around quickly. If you're in a group, you can defeat Vagra (drops 1-20). Otherwise, defeat Warfury Soldiers (drops 1). The drops stack to 60.

    2. Enchanted Scale x155 (30 for the armour, 125 for later)
      Complete Galanoth's "DragonSlayer General Class" quest at /dragontown. Walk up>right from Galanoth to defeat the Tempest and Blood Dracoliches, which have the lowest combined HP of any room.

    3. Dragon Scale x30
      Either defeat the Venom, Dark, and Bronze Draconians at /lair or purchase with Dragon Runestones at Alina's Get Reagents shop from /alchemyacademy.

  • Flame-Forged Metal x10
    Complete Chanky's "Need Flame" quest at /underworld. To find him, keep walking left until you can go directly down then continue right to the frozen bridge. To complete the quest, defeat the Frozen Pyromancer past the bridge.

  • Void Scale x13
    Defeat the ArchFiend Dragonlord at /underlair. This boss is very hard so bring a group as even with a dodge class it would take a long time to kill him.

  • Gold Voucher 500k x50
    Purchase from Vagra at /wartraining. The total cost is 25m Gold. Use the Gold guide if you need help.
